:D:D:D:D The beginning was shit to me then like the chorus and the rest of the song fucking swept me away and gave me goosebumps. THe voice is too overproduced but whatever. I literally am ecstatic.
:D:D:D:D The beginning was shit to me then like the chorus and the rest of the song fucking swept me away and gave me goosebumps. THe voice is too overproduced but whatever. I literally am ecstatic.

Sort of how I feel except without the giddy excitement. It was good though, I'm definitely looking forward to the album.
Hahaha who cares about growl vocals? I'd be 1000000% happy without them. I hope there aren't many songs with this kind of vocal effect though but even if... THIS SONG IS FUCKING AMAZING. Man now that I have listened to it a few more times.... I am loving it. I already couldn't wait for the album, now it's really gonna be hard. THanks for sharing this man!
Hahaha who cares about growl vocals? I'd be 1000000% happy without them. I hope there aren't many songs with this kind of vocal effect though but even if... THIS SONG IS FUCKING AMAZING. Man now that I have listened to it a few more times.... I am loving it. I already couldn't wait for the album, now it's really gonna be hard. THanks for sharing this man!

I do! you don't like it then fuck off fanboy.
erm, cough cough. tone of voice, anyone?

I'm quite sure not too many people expected growls on this record. why should there be any? ic simen did not get popular because of using growled vocals.
I don't like the immense overproduction either, I prefer his voice more voluminous. by far. that's what still disappoints me with My Domain. The new one is a quite cool song indeed, maybe a grower.
It has a nice folky feel, I love the riffs. It has a little Borknagar (TAC) feeling mixed with something else.

If the album goes like this, I'll buy it.
I'm eager to hear it mastered, but I like it so far! The guitar progressions especially, they have a nice epic quality, that makes me feel like I'm being launched into space. It definitely reminds me of TAC era Borknagar, the groove of it mainly (and the vocals haha). I'm very excited to hear the whole album!
Also, I felt the TAC but I didn't want to post it. It's like a more upbeat, lighter version of a TAC song. The good news is that when I got to hang out backstage with Simen, he told me he already had his solo CD written for almost a decade (and this was in '08) so I'm sure if he used just that material a lot of the songs will follow that old Bork veins... although I could be off. Dave can clear this up :loco:
Edit: removed link, but thanks anyway Kerros!

Thanks SO much.

The song fucking rocks. It's interesting, I think the style feels kind of like... well, the guitarwork and production feels like a mishmash between the Archaic Course and Sham Mirrors. It's really kind of classic in its late 1990s / early 2000s black metal style that was moving in sort of a proggy direction. There's a lot of stuff done to the vocals, I can't put my finger on it, but overall the sound is really cool. I much approve. I am just so glad to be hearing Vortex making music again, especially stuff that just, I dunno, rocks. And this is still an unfinished track, no? It still needs mastering and editing, I would assume.

I can't wait for the full album.

Edit: I just noticed how many people mentioned TAC, which is my favorite Borky album. Glad to know I'm not musically deaf. =)