Idea for a future issue...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... for the 64 page issue, there was really only 54 pages of content in the usual 6-point Times New Roman font. So I actually just upped some of the font sizes to fill out the last ten pages. I cheated, waaahhhh!

But for a future issue, what I want to do is pack in so much stuff that I need to shrink the font from the 6 point norm. Then I want to reverse the text so you have to read it in a mirror, and everything written will be the exact opposite of what I mean anyway.

Or am I just too bored?
What a brilliant idea Jim! I think an interesting topic for my own selfish quest for statistical knowledge would be an article or stat sheet on CD sales volume for each artist (as many as you can get the info on). I've always wondered how many these artists sold or didn't sell. Is this information obtainable?

Thanks, Eric Armstrong
fatesmiles said:
What a brilliant idea Jim! I think an interesting topic for my own selfish quest for statistical knowledge would be an article or stat sheet on CD sales volume for each artist (as many as you can get the info on). I've always wondered how many these artists sold or didn't sell. Is this information obtainable?

Thanks, Eric Armstrong

Only reliable numbers would be available directly from the record companies (Soundscan won't have real numbers for bands of 'our' level, and would only be useful in gauging how well bands are doing against each other and album to album... but I don't have the cash to get plugged in to those numbers) and if I had any confidence at all in getting honest answers about that I would have been doing this years ago. does this with their Sludge Scan feature. You can request sales figures of cds that you specifically name, or discographies of acts you specifically name. Their numbers always look realistic.

As for Jim's idea, NO. LotFP is about CONTENT, not NOVELTY. Don't start shitting on us, to fan a persoanl design fantasy. (instant message me this week and we'll discuss this further)