IE should get in touch with the Drovers


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2005
A few months ago, there was a poll or something on the Megadeth boards about what bands should be on Gigantour. I mentioned that Into Eternity should certainly be there, particularly since they were looking for virtuosity. One of the Drover brothers, I forget which one, posted a reply that they were friends with you guys, and would love to bring you guys along, but the lineup was pretty much set.

They are working on the lineup for Gigantour 2, right now, supposedly. If you haven't heard from their reps or whatever, contact them. I would love to see you guys get some of the respect you deserve. You guys played here in Fayetteville, NC (Jesters) at a makeup date to far too small a crowd, and I want to mention IE to someone one of these days that already knows about you, like they should. And when you guys are big, like you should be, PLEASE, bring Quo Vadis along with you on your USA tours.
I hope he did (the Drovers are from the Toronto area but Shawn lives in Atlanta). Tim and Shawn have been friends ever since I forced some IE soundfiles off DoD down Shawn's throat some years ago and they got in touch with each other :grin: