if i had a gun, these people would be dead(watch video)

I couldn't watch it dammit! FUCK school computers.

I swear, the computer locked up this morning when I was only trying to load up windows media player to listen to some tunes I brought in on CD. They have twice the specs that my home comp has, but mine runs far better, despite having more things loaded at bootup and even when I'm running Photoshop, 3dStudioMax and Soundforge, I'm running a touch faster than these.

When will colleges learn how to run computers properly?!?!?

Anyway, I'll try again this evening if I can to view that... you all have me curious.
That's sick, that's the reason I'm a vegetarian, and eating meat also contributes to world hunger.
LOL what the fuck were those morons thinking putting that song. Secondly you don't know where those videos were shot. Responsible governments usually have inspection agencies that go around the factories and check to see that the animals suffer as little as possible. Those PETA morons are the ones who should be shot. They probably went off to some third world country, found a factory and went around videotaping shit, and then tried to pass it as if animals are killed the same way in all factories. I've heard of factories being shut down for not adhering to the rules and regulations concerning the treatment of animals.

If those PETA hippie losers wanna eat grass for the rest of their lives, that's perfectly fine as long as they don't try so hard to manipulate the rest of us normal people into thinking eating meat is some sort of a crime.
DarkNoise said:
I couldn't watch it dammit! FUCK school computers.

I swear, the computer locked up this morning when I was only trying to load up windows media player to listen to some tunes I brought in on CD. They have twice the specs that my home comp has, but mine runs far better, despite having more things loaded at bootup and even when I'm running Photoshop, 3dStudioMax and Soundforge, I'm running a touch faster than these.

When will colleges learn how to run computers properly?!?!?

Anyway, I'll try again this evening if I can to view that... you all have me curious.
It's more likely the users at the college. users are always deleting or loading files or corrupted data and the pc doesn't know how to handle it.
Jericha said:
That's sick, that's the reason I'm a vegetarian, and eating meat also contributes to world hunger.
I agree that they are fuck up but how can *eating meat* contribute to world hunger. sounds like an "oxy moron" to me.

Guerrilla, that footage could have also be filled in the US if it was in the early 80's.
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
I agree that they are fuck up but how can *eating meat* contribute to world hunger. sounds like an "oxy moron" to me.

Guerrilla, that footage could have also be filled in the US if it was in the early 80's.

Millions of dollars are spent every year to feed farm animals so they can be fattened up for the use of mostly Americans and Europeans. It would make sense to give the food to poorer countires who starve all the time. That wouldn't solve the problem but it would help.
I hate that shit, pete should shut the fuck up.
Dont want to eat meat? good. I do, I know they kill animals for food, but i dont care how, know why? Because its good for me, and tastes good too.

By the way, what the fuck made you post that on a Metal Forum?
Guerrilla said:
LOL what the fuck were those morons thinking putting that song. Secondly you don't know where those videos were shot. Responsible governments usually have inspection agencies that go around the factories and check to see that the animals suffer as little as possible. Those PETA morons are the ones who should be shot. They probably went off to some third world country, found a factory and went around videotaping shit, and then tried to pass it as if animals are killed the same way in all factories. I've heard of factories being shut down for not adhering to the rules and regulations concerning the treatment of animals.

If those PETA hippie losers wanna eat grass for the rest of their lives, that's perfectly fine as long as they don't try so hard to manipulate the rest of us normal people into thinking eating meat is some sort of a crime.

damn straight.

fuck peta. Fuck them in their stupid asses. Did you know that when the P.L.A. strapped bombs to a donkey and used it to kill around 12 israelis, P.E.T.A. sent multiple complaint letters to Yasser Arafat about his threatment of the donkey? WTF. Fuck Peta, they're not even real people. Maybe we should start eating them too.
Guerrilla said:
LOL what the fuck were those morons thinking putting that song. Secondly you don't know where those videos were shot. Responsible governments usually have inspection agencies that go around the factories and check to see that the animals suffer as little as possible. Those PETA morons are the ones who should be shot. They probably went off to some third world country, found a factory and went around videotaping shit, and then tried to pass it as if animals are killed the same way in all factories. I've heard of factories being shut down for not adhering to the rules and regulations concerning the treatment of animals.

If those PETA hippie losers wanna eat grass for the rest of their lives, that's perfectly fine as long as they don't try so hard to manipulate the rest of us normal people into thinking eating meat is some sort of a crime.
i couldn't have said it better myself