If I hear one more thing about Paramore

No she does´t dance, she just listen the music, maybe sings.

But hey, is cool to dance, is cool that makes you happy, really, i like happy people, you know good vibrations!.
Classical, when someone sees many other someones enjoying the same thing they frown and tell them to shut up. Just like those "shut up I've listened to Disturbed way before you did, I have their FIRST album so I'm a cooler fan" kind of guys.

I love paramore, take a listen to my band http://www.myspace.com/intestinalblasting pure goregrind. And I listen to everything in between that

and Imma keep talkin bout paramore here so who don't wanna know PUT YOUR FUCKIN FINGAS IN YO EARS
I can see why people would get into the production, but I just can't enjoy the music itself because I'm not 13 and struggling with my hormonal response to non-threatening teenage boy archetypes.

I'm also not a studio guy so I can't just listen to something because it's produced well, I actually have to connect to the songs themselves.
I can see why people would get into the production, but I just can't enjoy the music itself because I'm not 13 and struggling with my hormonal response to non-threatening teenage boy archetypes.

I'm also not a studio guy so I can't just listen to something because it's produced well, I actually have to connect to the songs themselves.

I'm 22, and I like it. so now your argument means nothing unless of course you are calling people like gareth, jeff and myself 13 year olds with hormone issues
I'm 22, and I like it. so now your argument means nothing unless of course you are calling people like gareth, jeff and myself 13 year olds with hormone issues

As far as I can see, that would be the only reason you'd actually get anything out of their music.

If you can find some other reason, kudos to you. There's just nothing in by-the-numbers radio girl rock for me.

Also I was never making an argument, nor contributing to any sort of debate. I was just shitting on something in good spirits the way people used to do for no reason on the net before everybody started turning everything into an intellectual discussion about pointless crap. I miss those times.
You can talk about Religion on the board and it will be civil, bring up politics and differing points will be argued with the utmost civility, yet, you bring up Paramore and Muthafucka's thrown down!
I'm 33, I love it. My wife loves it. My 8 year old loves it. My 3 year old loves it. But he loves anything loud, so he doesn't really count :-)

Bottom line - the production on it is fantastic. The melodies in the songs are extremely catchy. The musicianship is great. I can listen to it for all those reasons and enjoy it.

I spent way too many years thumbing my nose at music that I thought wasn't good enough, or technical enough, or prog-rock-metal-million-notes-per-minute enough, or whatever. Those were years I could have been listening to a hell of a lot more than the same 5-6 bands over and over again.

You don't like it, no problem - human nature. But just because someone doesn't like it, doesn't mean it's not any good.
Oh I'm sure it is "good" from an armchair A&R perspective.

But I do not enjoy it at all, in fact, it irritates me. Don't ask me why because I don't know, but when I hear it something innate gets triggered and I get progressively less inhibited about taking extreme lengths to get rid of it.

So there you go, just because it's "good" doesn't mean it's not fucking annoying.
I'm 33, I love it. My wife loves it. My 8 year old loves it. My 3 year old loves it. But he loves anything loud, so he doesn't really count :-)

Bottom line - the production on it is fantastic. The melodies in the songs are extremely catchy. The musicianship is great. I can listen to it for all those reasons and enjoy it.

I spent way too many years thumbing my nose at music that I thought wasn't good enough, or technical enough, or prog-rock-metal-million-notes-per-minute enough, or whatever. Those were years I could have been listening to a hell of a lot more than the same 5-6 bands over and over again.
Best post! Thank you!:kickass:
I'm 33 and love it too.:rock: :Smokin:
I used to have on my msn nickname the phrase (in spanish): "I love paramore and whoever calls me gay I'll cut his fucking dick off"

Also I was never making an argument, nor contributing to any sort of debate. I was just shitting on something in good spirits the way people used to do for no reason on the net before everybody started turning everything into an intellectual discussion about pointless crap. I miss those times.

I do get you on that, I too get really bored on super philosophical discussions on metal forums, fucking book readers hahaha

I guess we can agree to disagree, i don't find Paramore "by the numbers", it definitely is an exception to me, even though I listen to many commercial pop or rock stuff, I've never been as obsessed as this with any of it.

It's all about opinions and for the sake of shitting all over someone else's :kickass:
yea but just to say its pop means it sucks?? there is plenty of great pop music. Of course, i dont really expect a metal board to be behind this notion.

I have never heard a good pop song. And I have way too much classical and metal to catch up on, and then eventually get into jazz...

Yeah, I don't have any time to listen to music designed to be sold to the average guy.
I was sitting down for tea the other night, and someone asked me how my steak was, and I replied "Paramore!". They said, "What the", and I told them that it is my new word for SHIT!

If I was a member at "Ultimate Pop Forum", I could understand all the fisting going on, and would leave and delete my account, but here, for fuck sake, we have to remind people that this is a METAL forum.

The snare sample is only good for a fucking ballad, as for the production, woopdyfuckindo, go listen to Nevermores TGE or Fear Factorys Obselete or Megadeths newy! Tunes far outweigh production any day of the week.

Now I thought long and hard about it, so put me down for a Paramore cover. I have a SM57 mic'd off axis to the water 1 inch away from the bowl. Gonna eat like a fucking horse tonight, baked beans, steak, pasta, pancetta, prosciutto, and 4 litres of coke, and at 6am tomorrow morning, I will be laying down my 1st guitar track. Gonna name the guitar buss "plop plop" I think! Should have the whole album done within a few days.
I used to have on my msn nickname the phrase (in spanish): "I love paramore and whoever calls me gay I'll cut his fucking dick off"

I do get you on that, I too get really bored on super philosophical discussions on metal forums, fucking book readers hahaha

I guess we can agree to disagree, i don't find Paramore "by the numbers", it definitely is an exception to me, even though I listen to many commercial pop or rock stuff, I've never been as obsessed as this with any of it.

It's all about opinions and for the sake of shitting all over someone else's :kickass:

Man I'm not shitting on your opinion, I don't seriously think any less of anyone for their taste in anything (within reason, some people's tastes are just so awful I can't be around them). I've got no beef at all with anyone on here, this is by far the coolest forum I've ever been a part of. People are chill for the most part and generally have a good sense of humour. That's all it takes to win me over.
So I wanted to know what all the fuss is about and checked a few songs.
Found them pretty boring , Guano Apes ripoff ?
Back to the stuff I like , Diablo Swing orchestra have a new album check it out.
I was sitting down for tea the other night, and someone asked me how my steak was, and I replied "Paramore!". They said, "What the", and I told them that it is my new word for SHIT!

If I was a member at "Ultimate Pop Forum", I could understand all the fisting going on, and would leave and delete my account, but here, for fuck sake, we have to remind people that this is a METAL forum.

The snare sample is only good for a fucking ballad, as for the production, woopdyfuckindo, go listen to Nevermores TGE or Fear Factorys Obselete or Megadeths newy! Tunes far outweigh production any day of the week.

Now I thought long and hard about it, so put me down for a Paramore cover. I have a SM57 mic'd off axis to the water 1 inch away from the bowl. Gonna eat like a fucking horse tonight, baked beans, steak, pasta, pancetta, prosciutto, and 4 litres of coke, and at 6am tomorrow morning, I will be laying down my 1st guitar track. Gonna name the guitar buss "plop plop" I think! Should have the whole album done within a few days.

Thats retarded. I generally try to stay out of these topics, but this shows exactly how elitist and close minded a lot of people who listen to metal are. They can't just say "I don't like that", they have to go and make examples of how terrible they think things are. Its fucking lame end of story. Who cares who likes what and who hates what. How far are you guys gonna let this big arguement over a band like Paramore go?