If I hear one more thing about Paramore

Thats retarded. I generally try to stay out of these topics, but this shows exactly how elitist and close minded a lot of people who listen to metal are. They can't just say "I don't like that", they have to go and make examples of how terrible they think things are. Its fucking lame end of story. Who cares who likes what and who hates what. How far are you guys gonna let this big arguement over a band like Paramore go?

+ 1,000,000. Damn you metal elitist heads for joining the "Ultimate METAL forum", how dare you stand up for your metal rights and let pop music creep into here! Well done Odell!

Now Im gonna have to PM Lolz and tell him his coming 2nd! .................. :heh:
I like the music. I'm am amazed that people like the production on Riot. It sounds super plasticy, more plasticy than the worst metal albums today. The drum samples are crap, and they're poorly replaced, not to mention the guitars sound thin and plasticy. The only good thing i can say is the vocal sounds are good. The lyrics are also juvenile, but I'm over that part.

/end rant.
haha you're funny guy. Actually i revoke the first part of my statement bc I don't feel like having this petty arguement. But lord knows your rights to being metal and manly are on the line if you were to let a group of people say they like Paramore in this metal forum.
paramore is god damn epic, catchy, and just amazing if any of you closeminded fucks ever see them live you'd understand it. that band is just fucking amazing, even with shitty production they were just down right amazing.
I have never heard a good pop song. And I have way too much classical and metal to catch up on, and then eventually get into jazz...

Yeah, I don't have any time to listen to music designed to be sold to the average guy.

Well there is a certain art with creating such a song that appeals to the masses. If you think its easy to create a catchy riff, verse, chorus, or song in general, your wrong. Its a difficult thing to do an many people fall flat on their faces trying to do it. To say that you dont listen to pop music because your too busy listening to classical and jazz makes you sound like a music snob. but perhaps your comfortable with that title.
I can see why people would get into the production, but I just can't enjoy the music itself because I'm not 13 and struggling with my hormonal response to non-threatening teenage boy archetypes.

All I can say to that is.. you don't have to relate to the story behind the lyrics, as long as you can relate to the emotion.
I like them quite a lot. Not all the songs, but a lot of them.

And as for the dude who said all pop is crap.. I used to think that, but I think working in production, etc. and seeing that you really CAN'T make bad musicians sound incredible (I used to be in the 'slap an autotuner on and that's all you need for pop vocals' group), you get to appreciate it all a lot more. I'm getting into a LOT of pop and rock stuff now. A lot of it is very short-lived, there isn't much depth, but while it lasts its damn good music.
I was going to create a similar thread shortly before this one was started, but decided that it wasn't worth the time and that I'd be better off destroying whoever mentioned Paramore next without making a big fuss over the whole thing, jerking off to unfounded elitism (slayercanniholyfuckingdonkeyshitcockmynameisagoddamnedlongwankfestanditgivesawayimmediatelythatI'm'thatguy'attheconcertsandshouldreallyjustgrowupabit, I'm looking at you), or starting yet another fucking stupid pop music thread. What a fat load of good that did, huh?

(My biggest problem with them is the massive amount of blathering that goes on because apparently emaciated, stupid-haired teenage girls are the next hot thing... if only *that* went away I'd be fine.)

(My biggest problem with them is the massive amount of blathering that goes on because apparently emaciated, stupid-haired teenage girls are the next hot thing... if only *that* went away I'd be fine.)


That I can totally understand. i give absolutely no fucks about the baby looking girls or girlie looking boys. I think that jank is lame, but in Haley's defense, she is twenty something I believe, but yeah not into the scene-weenie looking crap.
If she's in her twenties and still looks like that, she needs to fucking eat something. Like a goddamned bear. I thought women were supposed to be scaring old, crotchety farts by developing *younger*, not failing to do so entirely.

If she's in her twenties and still looks like that, she needs to fucking eat something. Like a goddamned bear. I thought women were supposed to be scaring old, crotchety farts by developing *younger*, not failing to do so entirely.


Yeah I agree and according to wikipedia she should be 21 which is hard to believe but haha oh well. And yes I am that lame that I just looked that up.:rock:
Firstly, yes, the production is just fucking godly, especially on Riot!
Unlike Ermz to be honest I wouldn't just listen to music if I didn't feel the musical content was up to scratch, so admittedly I wont be listening to Nickelback or Disturbed anytime soon since I've never like either band.
There seems to be enough good music out there that is also extremely well produced that I wont have to resort to listening to stuff purely for production, but that's just me personally.
Something about how rich that lower end content sounds on Riot! is something to behold. It honestly makes a lot of well produced metal stuff sound a bit thin in comparison. And mind you, I'm not comparing Riot! to some insanely down tuned stuff where the lower end content has to be really backed off, but stuff played in E standard like Opeth even during the strummed sections like 6 or so minutes into "A Fair Judgement" as an example where there isn't even any playing on the lowest power chords nor any blast beat stuff happening for the most part, whereas "crushcrushcrush" for example goes down to a C# power chord (below E standard, the song is actually in drop C#).
Yet no mud what so ever, despite how warm and rich that lower end is.
How David Bendeth managed this, I don't know, partly because I don't know a lot about AE in general and partly because haven't found much interview material or anything about the production that would hint as to how he did it.

And you know what? I like the way Hayley Williams dresses, I like her hair style and I love some of the lyrical content of the songs too.
Call me "unmetal" "not troo", question my man hood, whatever. I don't even look like a metalhead either.
But I can sit there and talk about Megadeth's Rust In Peace, Metallica's Ride The Lightning, Cynic's Traced In Air, Nevermore's This Godless Endeavor, Opeth's Deliverance and Gojira's The Way of All Flesh for hours and hours like I could do with Paramore too.
All I can say to that is.. you don't have to relate to the story behind the lyrics, as long as you can relate to the emotion.
I like them quite a lot. Not all the songs, but a lot of them.

And as for the dude who said all pop is crap.. I used to think that, but I think working in production, etc. and seeing that you really CAN'T make bad musicians sound incredible (I used to be in the 'slap an autotuner on and that's all you need for pop vocals' group), you get to appreciate it all a lot more. I'm getting into a LOT of pop and rock stuff now. A lot of it is very short-lived, there isn't much depth, but while it lasts its damn good music.

Same for me man.
I went through an elitist phase too. Nothing but classical, jazz fusion and metal for me. If anything was labeled pop, it was out. Anything labeled emo, I wouldn't want to touch it with a 60 foot pole.
Nu Metal? Metalcore? GTFO of here, this shit isn't "troo".
Kinda embarrassed of my old attitude to be honest:erk:
Nowadays some my favorite albums are Killswitch Engage's End Of Heartache, which is metalcore, yes, but it's also heavy as fuck (killer guitar tones and production to boot) and of course Riot! is another favorite of mine now too.
A lot of bands could sit there and write their 30 minute prog metal epic, but honestly a lot of the time it just fails to deliver and well......just gets boring half way through. I wont have the problem of being bored of a straight to the point pop rock/alt rock/emo song like Misery Business because it just hits me and affects me the way a well written, relatively short song should.
I still hate a lot of pop music, but that's nothing to do with it being pop and me just genuinely not enjoying the music, because a lot of it really is just shallow and throwaway material that will mean nothing next week.
Paramore is something I don't put in that category of throwaway pop. I've listened to them enough to know they'll actually have staying power and I'll like them still in 10, even 20 years time.
Yeah Im pretty tired of being told I somehow need to open up when Im just not on the boat with all this commerical op shit that's flying around so much.

I love "fun" music though, so, I definitely jam a ton of Eminem and Pitbull which is a lot of just fucking off and clowning more than anything.... SO much fucking Wu Tang Clan... but somehow cuz Im not down with Paramore I need to expand my horizons? Give me a break. Its ok. Its not terrible.. but its certainly not some fucking amazing revolution we're witnessing.

Kinda tired of hearing about how great this shit is, really.
All I can say to that is.. you don't have to relate to the story behind the lyrics, as long as you can relate to the emotion.
I like them quite a lot. Not all the songs, but a lot of them.

That would be fine if there was something that interested me in the instrumental side of things but there isn't. As a complete package it's poo in a pretty box to me.
.. but somehow cuz Im not down with Paramore I need to expand my horizons? Give me a break. .

+1 i Totally agree with this, just because i don´t like paramore im a fucking closedminded??? Fuck this statement!, i also don´t know why Paramore fans take it too personal. Paramore Epic?? i don´t thing so, i thing there are a lot of guys who really need to "open their minds"
Nobody is closed minded just because they don't like a certain type of music.

I don't know where hipsters get this retarded idea or when music taste became the yardstick for intellectualism and personal integrity. More to the point if you're going to be smug about your taste in music and say "people who don't like pop music need to open their minds" how close minded are you for not accepting that other people are just as welcome to their opinions as you are to yours?

Very. So take your face out of your anus.
I can see why people would get into the production, but I just can't enjoy the music itself because I'm not 13 and struggling with my hormonal response to non-threatening teenage boy archetypes.

Given the frankly laughable lyrical content of bands like Slayer, Carcass, Nevermore, the entire goregrind scene and pretty much every other band ever mentioned on these forums, that is an incredibly retarded statement. Don't get me wrong, I love those bands too, but trying to defend metal by mocking other genres' lyrics is a very bad idea.

I think the thing to remember is that the production techniques and styles pop-rock bands are using now will more than likely be adopted by the metal scene in a year or so. Bands like Paramore have the budgets and time in the studio to try things out and get those great powerful sounds - and then smaller scenes try to copy them with less well equipped studios. The most successful metal bands around at the moment are ones that sound like everything else in the charts. Hell, Killswitch Engage are just a pop band, regardless of the music they play.

I'm completely cool with someone accusing me of having hormone problems because I listen to Paramore hahaha
I probably do. Do I care? Nah not a bit. I'ma keep dancing round my room to Paramore like a little kid either way haha

edit: and when it comes to 3am I will still make the heaviest doomy shit ever posted on this forum
Given the frankly laughable lyrical content of bands like Slayer, Carcass, Nevermore, the entire goregrind scene and pretty much every other band ever mentioned on these forums, that is an incredibly retarded statement. Don't get me wrong, I love those bands too, but trying to defend metal by mocking other genres' lyrics is a very bad idea.


Please quote me where I did anything that could even be remotely construed as defending metal, or making any kind of "____ vs Metal" statement.

Putting words into my mouth and then calling me retarded based on your projections is an even worse idea.

Be careful how flippantly you throw around the term "retarded" if you yourself can be described as such.