If I hear one more thing about Paramore

I'm completely cool with someone accusing me of having hormone problems because I listen to Paramore hahaha
I probably do. Do I care? Nah not a bit. I'ma keep dancing round my room to Paramore like a little kid either way haha

edit: and when it comes to 3am I will still make the heaviest doomy shit ever posted on this forum

For reference, ^this is how you deal with a difference of opinion. By being cool.
I am sick of Paramore, and I am David Bendeth lol
Anything hyped to death is a pain in the arse after a while. WTF is Paramore doing in a metal forum anyways?
I had nothing to do with the new one or Decode so leave me out of this crap.
I come from Ilford so don't mess with the Essex boy or I'll have you all done up like a kippur.

would you rather we talked about underoath?
I am sick of Paramore, and I am David Bendeth lol

I am sick of Paramore, and I am David Bendeth lol

I am sick of Paramore, and I am David Bendeth lol


I have never heard about Paramore. Have no clue about the music/production. Thanks for this thread/post.

I'll check their myspace out now. :)

33 with ragging 13 year old girly hormones here! Now I know what I'm going to listen to all day.

So tired of hearing people scream like a cactus has been firmly placed in their ass. I can't even understand a lot of it. Much like hip hop. (in this case, it's a combination of slang and mumbling)

Hayley can sing.

Anyways, I give this thread a 8/10 for the interesting read and catchy lyrics.

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The only thing this thread is doing is making me want to listen to Paramore. Its pop but cant deny she has a good voice.
This forum is so fucking gay anymore, even Andy used to pop in and remind people its METAL. I got shit on for hating on Michael Jackson, and now THIS shit.

it IS fucking Blabbermouth over here now... christ.

listen to The Mary Major or some shit for chick vocals.

Meh, mostly Im dicking around now but seriously.. how the FUCK can you hate on Nevermore lyrics? Are you serious? WD writes some badass shit at times.

AND: Paramore covering Kings of Leon? TF is that? Too current. Cant cover shit thats on the radio the same time as you. Might as well cover Kelly Clarkson, too.

Also, I hate the guy from Kings of Leon's voice. lol
it's just a hot chick

It's not even that though. This is probably the most perplexing of the whole situation.

Why on earth any chick with a horrible haircut and boyish figure could ever be considered hot is way past my understanding. There are way to many other front women who smoke this bitch in hotness. Is she okay looking? Yeah I guess. Smoking hot? I suppose if your into chicks that look like 10 year boys then sure.
thats the thing about hayley
she's cute rather than hot
i prefer cute to hot
but thats just me
Honestly I don't even see any posts that said "You should like them or you're close minded" and I just went through the entire thread again.
What was said, however, is just because you don't like it, doesn't mean other's can't and that it still has some merit, whether you like it or not.

Yeah, there is a shit load of music I don't fucking care for. For example, I think the song Dance of Eternity by Dream Theater (the song) is a complete piece of shit and is completely fucking boring and no amount of technicality and endless time signature changes could save that song, because I think it's extremely poorly written and would have rather have a coherent, well written intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge and so on structure of Paramore or Paranoid by Black Sabbath than the total wank fest that is Dance of Eternity. Give me a fucking song, not a bunch of guys showing how "prog" they are by writing that shit.

But can I still see the merit in what I believe is an otherwise fucking horrible song that sounds like a bunch of musicians with extreme chops that have never written a song in their lives before?
Yeah I can, I can at least understand other people will enjoy it. Mind you Images and Words is one my most fave albums ever, so it's not like I hate Dream Theater either.
I couldn't give a fuck for anything Avril Lavigne or Coldplay have ever done, I think it's shitty and I cringe whenever I hear any of it.
But it is very obvious and plain to see it's well written music with lots of appealing vocal melodies? Fuck yeah it is.
Honestly I don't even see any posts that said "You should like them or you're close minded" and I just went through the entire thread again.

paramore is god damn epic, catchy, and just amazing if any of you closeminded fucks ever see them live you'd understand it. that band is just fucking amazing, even with shitty production they were just down right amazing.

:goggly: Still haven't checked these guys out yet (but yes Dan I have that thread where you posted the videos bookmarked, just waiting for the right time :D), but if I want happy stuff, Journey is usually what I go for...