If I hear one more thing about Paramore

My amp IS on tour and I AM on the fence about not playing for a while. Not to HIJACK this though. That's another story for another day. And Marcus I liek the wiminz.
Ok, but don't sell the guitars, one day you'll come back again and you'll have them ;) ( that's what happened to me, and I regret selling my amp for 400 euros, just because I was fed up with my last band)

I like paramore's music if you get what they are, and who are they aimed at.
But I don't like the production on this new one, judging by the clips I've heard on their website ( the cd, along with new brand new, haven't been shipped from amazon yet)

I mean, a young kids band that were about to split last year and needed a life coach? wtf? :lol:
And I blame the Twilight soundtrack for that overhyped aura they have now
I can't remember what song it is but the video has them screwing around at the docks, it was the funniest thing ever because it made no sense at all. I was just like "What the fuck are they doing here? What was the projected budget on this video?" :lol:

Hahaha, yeah, that'd be the "Separate Ways" video, and man does that song rule :lol: :rock:
To underail this thread..

Just picked up brand new eyes for $17au (paramore cd's always seem to be really cheap!). I think its out in Australia before anywhere else.

All I Wanted has, for now, replaced Bleak as my 2nd favourite song ever. o.0 [1st being Dismiss the Cynics by IF, so I haven't completely abandoned metal]


EDIT: DAMN. Spelling fail. :(
I was going to create a similar thread shortly before this one was started, but decided that it wasn't worth the time and that I'd be better off destroying whoever mentioned Paramore next without making a big fuss over the whole thing, jerking off to unfounded elitism (slayercanniholyfuckingdonkeyshitcockmynameisagoddamnedlongwankfestanditgivesawayimmediatelythatI'm'thatguy'attheconcertsandshouldreallyjustgrowupabit, I'm looking at you), or starting yet another fucking stupid pop music thread. What a fat load of good that did, huh?

(My biggest problem with them is the massive amount of blathering that goes on because apparently emaciated, stupid-haired teenage girls are the next hot thing... if only *that* went away I'd be fine.)


My username makes your dot itchy! Back ya lingo up! PM sent!
Replied... I tried to attach a 'this is where people are fucking around, chill out and drop the internet tough guy spiel' indicator for your convenience, but it couldn't fit next to your ridiculously long handle.

To underail this thread..

Just picked up brand new eyes for $17au (paramore cd's always seem to be really cheap!). I think its out in Australia before anywhere else.

All I Wanted has, for now, replaced Bleak as my 2nd favourite song ever. o.0 [1st being Dismiss the Cynics by IF, so I haven't completely abandoned metal]

Didn't get the Deluxe Edition for $70? You're no true fan then:p
Seriously though, It's insanely addictive isn't it?
I'll never abandon metal, no fucking way, I'm a metalhead at heart, that shit runs through my veins, but fuck me this album is absolutely gorgeous and I'm gonna still be in love with it many years down the track.
You've been entertaining, but now I'm wondering why you had to post that publicly - and just about everyone who has missed the amusement of your last few PMs deserves an explanation.
