If it applies... You're a metalhead!


Like a rock
I posted this a while ago on the testament board and it made some people laugh... It applies more to thrash metal heads but I still thing people here will enjoy that!

1- Your main mean of transport is by foot, because you get to have wind in your hair and it's so \m/

2- You still wear your old Megadeth's Mary Jane T-Shirt even if the colors all faded and it has so much holes that it's become revealing...

3- You think that the real Metallica are trapped on an island and the current band of the same name is just a conspiracy by the government...

4- Your have longer hair than your girlfriend

5- You think that your girlfirend is sexy when she wears your t-shirt to bed... your kreator t-shirt that is...

6- You went to Germany for a month and brought back a testament concert girly shirt to your girlfriend as a souvenir... but it doesn't even say germany!

7- You don't need to dress up for a funeral... you already are dressed in black!

8- Your current pet is either a snake called vick or a black dog called eddie

9- Your last pet died and you dug 7 graves to burry it... as a tribute to King Diamond of course...

10- You got metal cds for chrismas... the past 10 years that is!

11- Guess what you're getting this year...

12- You plan to disguise yourself as Nikki Sixx for this year's Halloween

13- When you read the last sentence, you intentionnaly read Helloween instead of Halloween

14- In the car, you still listen to the same cassettes you had years ago... those that still work anyway...

15- You wear blue jeans until the have holes here and there... THEN you feel good in them...

16- When colors faded on a metal shirt, it's a sign of experience and wisdom... like gray hair...

17- You built yourself a big assed garage and hung a sign saying Hangar 18...

18- Your cell phone tone is the lead melody for the solo in Over the Wall...

19- Well... you don't have a cell phone but it would be anyway!

20- When you do chores, you always put some heavy music on and headbang more than do work!

21- You will get thrown out of your appartement for playing music too loud because the Super couldn't stand the doublebass and the blast beats... again!!

22- A girl came to you in a bar and you rejected her because she thought that Limp Bizkit was metal...

23- You get tears in your eyes when you see a young kid in a metal shirt... it makes you so damn proud...

24- You were searching for the mosh pit at this year's office chrismas party

25- When people started doing Karaoke at the said party, you sang Dog Faced Gods or I Will Kill You

26- Back in school, you had to write a poem for an english class and you copied the lyrics to Fade to Black...

27- You were sent to the school's suicide intervention office... following the above!

28- You are still practicing to pronounce and spell the instrumental song on Low...

29- You and I both know what the lyrics to Mechanix really mean ;)

30- You cried when you saw Rockstar

31- You still debate wether or not Ozzy ate that bat's head intentionaly...

32- You still refer to Handle With Care as the "album with a planet"

33- You actually think that Fall from Grace has great production and sound!

34- You headbanged at your kid's music class recital...

35- Your kid plays flute by the way...

36- You planned a romantic evening with your girlfriend and though Dreaming Neon Black was a pretty damn good romantic cd to play! ...how clever!

37- You scored that night because your girlfriend thought so too...

38- You are dead jealous of Zakk Wylde because you went to see him live with Ozzy last month and he's all she talks about

39- You prayed every night when you learned that Chuck Schuldiner had to go in surgery

40- You prayed every night when you learned that Chuck Billy had to go in surgery

41- You were happy your name wasn't Chuck that year...

42- You bought one of Beastie Boys' records because Kerry King was on it...

43- You still wonder why you went and wasted 20 bucks on St-Anger...

44- You can't listen to Anthrax's Lone Justice anymore because the bass line reminds you of St-Anger

45- You can still remember your first harmonic on the guitar...

46- You took a walk yesterday and whistled Practice What you Preach's solo...

47- Your neck doesn't hurt anymore after headbanging at a concert...

48- You actually read this whole thing through!

49- You were drinking a beer while doing so...

50- It's 10 Am...
Except for a few bands, songs & cultural things, either I's or my's friends fall into almost all of those fifty categories!
Especially the part 'bout snobbing the chick at the bar because of her thinking that Limp Bizkit are metal! That has happened to I so many times it ain't funny no more! :(
Thanks for the list, Larf! :headbang: :kickass:
The Pimp NeonBlack
The Pimp NeonBlack said:
Except for a few bands, songs & cultural things, either I's or my's friends fall into almost all of those fifty categories!
Especially the part 'bout snobbing the chick at the bar because of her thinking that Limp Bizkit are metal! That has happened to I so many times it ain't funny no more! :(
Thanks for the list, Larf! :headbang: :kickass:
The Pimp NeonBlack

HAHAHAH!!!!! That list is made of some personnal experience and that Limp Bizkit stuff happened to me twice ... The chick was all: "I'm into metal too you know? I listen to Limp Bizkit, Korn and System of a Down...
Larf03 said:
HAHAHAH!!!!! That list is made of some personnal experience and that Limp Bizkit stuff happened to me twice ... The chick was all: "I'm into metal too you know? I listen to Limp Bizkit, Korn and System of a Down...
Ain't that annoying when that happens!
The only thing worse than that is the time I's was sitting in a Trendiod Bar (where all the cool people hang out), drinking by my's self (back when I's still did drink) -wearing my leathers, an Armorued Angel shirt (which I's had borrowed) and my's big arse "Jonny Reb" boots- hair out and all, when this dumb bitch (and I's means DUMB) wanders up and asks: "Do you like Heavy Metal or something?"
To which I's do reply: "No. I'm actually a Candy-Pop DJ in disguise so I can go out and have a relaxing drink."
So this chick squeals with delight and continues to talk to I 'bout techno and dance music for 15 minutes until I's turn 'round and ask her "If she is aware of a phenomenon known as 'sarcasism" and she looks at I with those big brown eyes and asks if that "Has anything to do with UFOs or something?".
It was at that point that I's walked away.
If I's talked to her any longer, I's would have snapped her fucking neck or thrown my's self through the window just to escape her inane babble!

And Larf: I's posted your list on the Dungeon Forum, but don't worry, I's gave you credit for it!

The Pimp NeonBlack
Here is some more ...

51 - You believe that the uglier face you make while pinching an harmonic on the guitar, the better it'll sound...

52 - Last time you went to the strip club, you paid more attention to the song that was playing than the girl who was dancing...

53 - ...Cuz she was dancing on Dokken's Dream Warrior...

54 - Try as you might... You still can't find the "metal" in Megadeth's Risk...

55 - You spend most of your time on Ebay because local record stores never have what you want...

56 - You smile everytime you hear grind because you think it's cute...

57 - You believe Glenn Benton has some kind of melody in his singing

58 - You wear typical accessories to concerts (steel bracelets and chain mail to power metal shows, corpspaint to black metal shows)

59 - You also wear it the day of the show... walking on the streets all the while

60 - You get asked for random drugs because of your looks but you don't do drugs...
57 - You believe Glenn Benton has some kind of melody in his singing
HAHHAHAHAHAHA glen benton IMO is a good DM vocalist but come on,who really thinks he has melody in his singing haha.

60 - You get asked for random drugs because of your looks but you don't do drugs...
this happens to me except i DO do drugs hehehehe
what can i say....im a stoner,leave me alone!@