If NAD gets a CD-R write up thread, then so do I damnit!

Mar de Grises....currently at track # 6, "Be Welcome Oh Hideous Hell"....I just don't know how to describe this stuff, but it's genius. You can tell these songs weren't written in any hurry (previous release was a demo from 2001).

I don't know if anyone else would get this description, but The Tatterdemalion Express sounds like Skepticism raping Radiohead, and then caressing it gently as it submits to defeat.
OK, so that was Ufomammut. Well well, what can I say? :heh:

"Braindome" was cool - probably the most 'traditional' song on the album, with that repetitive doomy riff surrounded by news clips of wartime correspondence...and then it all trickles back into psychadelic dementia with "Demontain". If you listen to this loud, at around the 8 minute mark when it starts to pound, it starts to get a bit psycho-scary.

This album suits the mood for when you want to smoke weed, drink Grey Goose, and you have your stoner/raver friends coming round (who normally hate metal in any shape or form) and need some Trance to come back down. They would find this acceptable, oh yes.

File this under trance/ambient metal. Good stuff.
BloodStainedWalls said:
JK, listen to the Orodruin!!!
Roger that. Orodruin goes on next.

Hey - I have two Orodruin CDs or so it seems: "Epicurean Mass" and then another CD with "Orodruin", "Thy Sinister Bloom", and a few others listed. What's on that CD then?
OK I went to grab for my Orodruin today and picked up Bergthron by accident. So anyway, here's a first opinion on Faust fur Faust.

Overall, it's a good release, where the third track (with the female vocals) is my favourite. The last song is nice too, although it's just a little'un compared to the massive first two tracks. There is too much to digest in one sitting, so again, I'll listen to this some more before making any final judgement, but so far so good.

Here is one major gripe though. The vocalist doesn't seem to know when to shut his trap. Those first two songs are like 15 minutes each, and he just doesn't stop. For a second I thought Glenn Benton had made a guest appearance. Really great music, if a bit old schooly/repetitive BM style, and could do less with the vocals, but definitely worth a few more listens. And track #3 is awesome, no doubt about it.

Good shit. I shall come back to it (if I can get my grubby hands to stop reaching for that Mars de Grises, heh).
Orodruin - Epicurean Mass now playing...thoughts so far...

...nice, really fuzzy, detuned strings hanging one inch from the floor...are there even guitars on this or is it just a couple of distorted basses? heh....like those vocals a lot. Yeah, the vocalist is really selling me so far. Like Reverend Bizarre with better vox.

DOOOM! \m/
This is the sort of doom that would be cool to hear in a smokey whiskey joint. Laybacks throwing down some 5 card stud, smoking red Marlboro, knocking back some Makers Mark. That probably makes no sense but Orodruin make me wanna have a drink, and not in an Orange Goblin kinda way either.
Epicurean Mass is tits no doubt, but I can't get Ufomammut dislodged from my brain today. :D

The Glenlivet. When it comes to scotch whiskey, nothing is better. NOTHING.