If you are not thinking about treating your room ...

Sorry to revive this thread, but I have to know...

I'm getting the materials together for my own set of broadband absorbers and I don't know whether it's really crucial to have the corner traps going from floor to ceiling. Is there any large disadvantages to only having partial coverage, or say 3/4 coverage rather than full?
Sorry to revive this thread, but I have to know...

I'm getting the materials together for my own set of broadband absorbers and I don't know whether it's really crucial to have the corner traps going from floor to ceiling. Is there any large disadvantages to only having partial coverage, or say 3/4 coverage rather than full?

the tangential, axial and oblique modes gather in the tri-corners. by designing the trap from floor to the ceiling you'll be covering the tri-corners as well....that's where the traps are the most effective
Thanks! It's just bizarre that in the basic room kits the RealTraps site doesn't advocate using them in tri-corners. They have 4 mid-corner traps, and 4 ceiling-wall traps. I'm still wondering what would give me the best coverage.

Another question for you guys if I may... what sort of mounting system should one design for these traps? I realize I'll need to be hanging them all over the place, but don't know any sturdy mounting systems to make/use.
Another question if I might. This time about containing the insulation and cloth.

What do you guys use to contain the rockwool/fibreglass fibers? I was thinking some light adhesive spray to keep it all in check. Shouldn't have an adverse effect on the acoustics I trust?

With cloth I'm thinking about going shadecloth, but it may be too porous and plastic-based? What sort of material should I be looking at?

My panels are open on one side and the fibers do not fall out or anything. The fronts are wrapped with what the fabric store calls Speaker Cloth, which is thin, stretchy and porous.
I have two panels that are mounted on mic stands for when I'm mixing. I've got some thick plastic loosely stapled on the back of those.

The fibers aren't going to fly around unless someone start picking at it.
wo ist der denn?und welche platten haste denn genau geholt?
Ich war mal bei meinem Maxbar (dorotheenstraße) und der hatte die nicht auf lager?!?!

Wie ist denn das wegen gesundheitsrisiko, hab gelesen das Steinwolle nicht gut zum einatmen ist? Stimmt das?
Würde nämlich mein schlafzimmer/"mixing studio" damit dekorieren;)

dank dir für die schnelle antwort!!!!
ich hab von gutex holzweichfaserplatten genommen....thermosafe homogen war das glaub ich (google hilft ;) )

hatte auch so meine bedenken von wegen gesundheit bei steinwollplatten...stellt sich heraus dass die holzweichfaserplatten sogar geringfügig bessere werte für "unsere" anwendungen haben ;)

bin sehr zufrieden soweit :) hat zwar ein paar euro mehr gekostet als normale steinwolle, aber iwie war mir meine gesundheit das wert lol...