Optimum Control Room Size

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh
I'd be moving out pretty soon and I finally have the opportunity of building myself a control/mixing room, and maybe a deadend live/vocal booth.

Even though I went to hell and back building 16 basstraps and 4 broadband traps for my current room, I'm still pretty much of a n00b when it comes to acoustic treatment.

What would be the optimum size for half-decent monitoring, to say the least? Would 17ft (L) x 14ft (W) x 10ft(H) be a good idea for a control room?

The size of the control room is actually gonna be bigger than the lengths I've mention due to acoustic isolation. 17x14x10 is what I'm gonna be left with after I'm done doing whatever is needed.

I need some useful yet easy to understand resources. The kind of life I lead, I really don't have the time to actually turn myself into an 'experienced acoustics designer':lol: And I don't have the money of hiring one either (if there are any in my country, that is:p).

All I see around here are either dead rooms with genelacs, or M-Audio AV40s in rooms that sound like some luxurious bathroom.
I just went to this website linked below and typed in 20 for the lowest in our usual audio spectrum, it spat out 56.5 feet...seems about right considering Michael Wagener's room, maybe a little bit less perhaps. You ideally need room for the lower frequencies to be able to complete a cycle.


hope that helps. I imagine alot of semi-pro folks cant get a room that big.
I just went to this website linked below and typed in 20 for the lowest in our usual audio spectrum, it spat out 56.5 feet...seems about right considering Michael Wagener's room, maybe a little bit less perhaps. You ideally need room for the lower frequencies to be able to complete a cycle.


hope that helps. I imagine alot of semi-pro folks cant get a room that big.

Thanks a bunch for that dude, but I personally wouldn't need anything under 50hz to be THAT accurate. Moreover, I'm not trying to build a mastering suite ;) Just a semi-pro place.

What would be a good ratio for L:W:H ?
There's loads of so-called "golden ratios", the most famous is probably Louden's 1:1.4:1.9
Try searching for Louden, Sepmeyer, Volkmann, or Bolt room ratios