If You Can't Find The New Anthrax Buy It Online!


Feb 14, 2002
Amazon.com has it and they are a good site. I bought from them before and got my stuff fast and in perfect shape. I had no problems what so ever with using my credit card or check card (you use it as a credit card). So if you can't find it at your mom and pop stores and there is nothing around you just buy at Amazon.com
Hey guys.. I tried Target, and of course they didn't have it. Went to Circuit City, and picked up the LAST copy. Maybe it was the only 1 of 2 that brent mentioned. They didn't even have it in the New Releases area. Just in with the rest of the Anthrax stuff. My buddy in Detroit tried Best Buy, Circuit City and some place in the mall and no luck. All sold out. Maybe Detroit is just a yo yo bling bling city.

got a question that's a bit different. I know that Brent Thompson is the webmaster for anthrax, but does Justin do other website materials, and is Steve M. involved anywhere? Also, how did Andy Buchanan get to do all the pictures? I'd love to be able to take my digital camera to the show May 13th and post pictures for this site.

Also, as for the material inside the cover for anthrax, whose idea was it to NOT include the "band approved kick ass websites"? I sorta enjoyed seeing my site listed there on the return of the killer a's and the VHS tape for it. Anyway, album rules! Been listening to it like crazy for over a month now!
Anthraxfan said:
I know that Brent Thompson is the webmaster for anthrax, but does Justin do other website materials, and is Steve M. involved anywhere?

justin is actually working on an anthrax history... he's helped out with some website stuff i believe, especially the discography.

me... i don't do shit for the website. if brent ever asked, i would help, but i think he's got that all down...
Like Steve said, I did the discography. Brent did the front page for the discography, but I did all the inside stuff, using Brent's html and javascript methods. And I made the graphic on the "about" section with the childhood pics of Charlie and Scott, which Sandra (Charlie's then fiance, now wife) once told me she had used for her desktop background. I have worked a little on updating it but haven't uploaded it. Brent and I wrote the FAQ together. That needs updating.

I was gone for a while (like 1.5 years) as working on the website was like burning my hands. *giggles* I'm back now to bring it to a new level of heaviness.

Yeah, I am slowly but surely working on a band history. A slightly easier thing to do would be a quotes page, which I have started compiling. Maybe that can be my project this week. I have a little more free time now than I used to.

Andy Buchanan probably got to do all the pictures because, well, he fuckin' rules. Those are some badass photos in the extra CD-ROM part. I love having the live pics, because being into Anthrax is all about seeing them live. And that pic of the whole band on stage with the crowd behind them is probably the best picture of the band EVER.
This one:


It looks better in the CD liner notes. It's very reminiscent of the pic in Among the Living. If only the crowd had had Notman masks on...

Also, I don't think there was really a decision to NOT include the websites in the CD. More like, before there was a decision TO do it. If you look back at all those websites listed, most of them are gone now, and you don't want that in the CD years from now. Hell, the URL for my site in there was wrong when it came out. Netexp was nice enough to keep my link to the current site up for a while (probably more like an oversight) but it has been gone for a couple of years now. Anthrax.com is here to stay.
I will. Tomorrow. I have been listening to my import copy for a month or so now - and it cost 33$ CDN *approx. 5$ US* :) But, I don't mind paying extra 20$ to see John Bush on those videos and for those extra cool photos you've praised! :)
Hey Justin,
thanks a ton for all the info. Really answered just about every question i had.
Just a quick question... how does one get the chance to be able to take pictures of the band and run around like crazy doing so? I know that's what i'd be doing if i had the chance to (cough May 13th show Mt. Clemens). I think they need some live pictures from the audience some more. Anyway, thanks again Justin.
I'd recommend you email Charlie, say you did the Scott interview at whichever site, mention you do a fan site, and ask if you can get a photography pass or whatever for that show. Unless the venue has a policy against photos, it would then be up to him.
Where the hell where you for that 1.5 years? You NEVER posted. Then, one day, you became a post-whore.
What happened, dude?
ThraxDude said:
Where the hell where you for that 1.5 years? You NEVER posted. Then, one day, you became a post-whore.
What happened, dude?

I was in Dayton and Columbus, OH. I'm not exactly sure why I neglected my Anthrax duties. I did see them live during that time. I read a lot of books and concentrated on classes (which worked, because my grades went way up). It's all a blur to me, really.

The prodigal son has returned. Slaughter the fatted cow, damnit.

FAQ 2.0 coming soon!