If you could be an animal, what would it be?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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If I was lazy, I'd be a good dog. Good dogs get pampered, and I see nothing wrong with a life like that. I could be a good dog.

Now, if we're talking non-domesticated, probably an eagle. I like the idea of flying, and there is a majesty about the eagle that I've always liked. Plus, you basically rule the air.
Probably a male lion, since they are the mammal that mates the most times a year :D

hihi :)

Also, being big and furry appeals to me in some odd way.

A platypus....just because they are so damn weird...
Or I wouldn't mind being a domestic pet like a cat or dog...Having someone take care of my every need is somewhat appealing...
I want to be a dragon if we can go with fictional animals but if not I think I would like to be an eagle. I'm sure I wouldn't want to be a person (looking at oyo) it always seems that people are in too much of a hurry for me.






…If only I had a bullet then I'd show them
an eagle - i can just fly around all day and observe what's going on.. occasionally swooping down to grab a bite to eat
i bought this shirt with a picture of an eagle on it at niagra falls. but when i look at the info, it said Made in Native America. where's that?
A cat...I like dogs better, but all my fucking cat does is laze around and do nothing all day...my dogs at least have our neighbors yell at them for barking, but my cat is truly pampered...
I would have to agree with Sadistik on this one. I had to do an assignment a while back about this, and I chose a cat then. I would have to have a warm roof over my head, some comfortable furniture, and a fresh litterbox. It would be great to lay around all day and have no worries at all. I would also like to experience the power of cat nip. :D

By the way, my brother has three cats that are extremely spoiled and lazy. I just hate how they shed hair on my stuff. Grrrr!