If you could bring a dead rock star back to life

If he didn't die, and continued playing in the band, there would've been improvement.

I'm just glad he kicked the bucket before he had a chance to release a solo album. An entire record of Cobain doing acoustic solo songs would have been so utterly boring and depressing that no doubt everyone who listened to it would have killed themselves.
If he didn't die, and continued playing in the band, there would've been improvement.

I highly doubt that to be honest.

What an odd thing to say

That's what I thought too, hence the reason I didn't respond ;)

I'm just glad he kicked the bucket before he had a chance to release a solo album. An entire record of Cobain doing acoustic solo songs would have been so utterly boring and depressing that no doubt everyone who listened to it would have killed themselves.

:lol: Agreed.
It's a shame though. The guy clearly needed help.
Yeah ive known that. It's just hard for me to say that I wish either one of them would die that way. Both are (were) amazing guitarists. Clapton has a better resume than SRV anyway tbh
Yes, but there's also the fact that Clapton had done everything he could've done at that point and Stevie hadn't lived long enough for people to see his full potential. He still had at least 4 or 5 more albums in him.
I stand by everything I stand in that thread. :cool:

SRV's death was a shame, but you have countless others doing what he did. Johnny Winter did it years before Vaughan ever did.

No matter, I don't want the shitstorm to migrate this way.
Just had a look at the results so far, John Lennon in third, John Bonham from Led Zepp in second and Elvis has the most votes at the moment.

I would've thought John Lennon would win this no problem? Freddie Mercury is in forth place, Hendrix is in fifth and Kurt Cobain in sixth.
Yeah ive known that. It's just hard for me to say that I wish either one of them would die that way. Both are (were) amazing guitarists. Clapton has a better resume than SRV anyway tbh
I think SRV's a better player but w/e.
Between Clapton and SRV, I'll take SRV every day (he's a better singer too).