if you drive round in a car and shun mass transit, you ARE an enviromental murderer

Spaetzle (spelled with an "ae" when you can't put an umlaut over the "a")[SHPEHT-sluh; SHPEHT-sehl; SHPEHT-slee] Literally translated from German as "little sparrow," spaetzle is a dish of tiny noodles or dumplings made with flour, eggs, water or milk, salt and sometimes nutmeg. The spaetzle dough can be firm enough to be rolled and cut into slivers or soft enough to be forced through a sieve, colander or spaetzle-maker with large holes. The small pieces of dough are usually boiled (poached) before being tossed with butter or added to soups or other dishes. In Germany, spaetzle is served as a side dish much like potatoes or rice, and is often accompanied by a sauce or gravy. The cooked spaetzle can also be pan-fried with a little butter and onions (usually a good left-over idea).

mmmm yummy. me want. caution, eating much spaetzle will make you want to invade your neighbors.
Main Entry: pret·zel
Pronunciation: 'pret-s&l
Function: noun
Etymology: German Brezel, ultimately from Latin brachiatus having branches like arms, from brachium arm -- more at BRACE
Date: circa 1838
: a brittle or chewy glazed usually salted slender bread often shaped like a loose knot
mmm and in philly getting them warm and with mustard.....urgleboglerusdrfodgl;qerjy;oreiqfaf

this town doesn't really have very good public transit. no cabs, either. nothing goes to the suburbs where my work is. i miss the chicago public transit system- it was like an easy walk and train ride to get to work, and only $1.50 each way- and way more scenic than driving past a bunch of crappy grocery stores and malls like i do now.

chicago even has decent trains from the suburbs to downtown- granted, once you get downtown, it was like a 30 minute walk or $5 cab ride to work, but better than $12 for parking and a 1-1.5 hr drive.