How many of you DONT drive?

Do you have a car?

  • I have a car

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • I dont have a car

    Votes: 25 51.0%

  • Total voters
i've only read bits and pieces of this argument and probobly don't really get it, but ... eh.

i got my lisence shortly after i was 17, senior yr of high school, and would drive to the school 10 min away from my house because i'd have to go to work right after school. quite practical. what i don't get is people who have jobs but can't drive/don't have reliable transportation (like public transit, carpooling with people who are going to the same area) ... like the people who rely on their parents to get them to and from work.

a bunch of my little sisters friends are in that situation and rely on their parents to drive them to and from arby's/jobs in the mall so they earn money that they then use to buy slutty clothes, drugs, hooker purses and ... whatever other useless shit they have.

granted, that is better than rolling their parents for money to buy said stupid shit, but figuring in the gas money, it's basically the same thing. i hate kids.
I wish I hadn't quit my last job. I'm supposed to get hired at a vet thats opening next month, if I don't get that I want my next job to be hard manual labor. I'm sick of people and I'm not shaving damnit. Shaving is for women.

Except you get rid of that annoying neck hair. And my unibrow. But that's it!

Err...and to even out side burns. Actually just forget I said anything.
But what else are 21-year-olds doing? I don't know, getting educated? That's very valuable when viewed as an investment. Try doing that math and say that spending all your time on education is being useless.

Not everyone has public transportation available, and just about anyone who studies and works at the same time (that'll be a lot of us) has trouble working around the bus' schedule. Working for you doesn't imply working for everyone - didn't you just say you were useless? I'm hauling my ass around between school and tutoring (closest thing I have to a job) and I can't do that with the bus' schedule - not only am I literally across town very often, the buses don't run 24/7 here.

And no, there is nothing wrong with teenagers being useless socially and economically. That is how it is supposed to be. While under 21 people should learn and gain experiences, not work, at the same time, they shouldn't drive and have all those privileges until they actually do something.

There's a difference between not earning anything and being useless. Look at how much more someone with a bachelor's degree makes than someone without one.

You're mixing up the problem of Arab oil with the problem of NEEDLESS INTERFERENCE WITH EVERYONE'S LIVES - if that's your goal, mandate a switch to different fuel systems. This is like trying to lose weight by cutting your hair off - you're forgetting that teenagers still need to be driven around, and that they don't demand nearly as much gas as adults. This is a backasswards solution at best. 'Minimal damage to the economy' is a fucking laugh - as I said earlier, education is very important to the economy, and damaging it ruins the economy. Directly mandating new fuel systems will be much more effective and even less damaging to the economy.

At this point you've failed not only at having a decent argument but putting it across right; whether you really believe this stuff or not the best thing you can do for your cause is stop trying to defend it. You're making any valid point you may have look horribly stupid, so shutting up is going to be more effective at changing people's minds than trying to argue. You're inexperienced and you've clearly never been in a situation where your ideas would have much of an effect on you, and your posts show it very clearly, so the most noble thing to do for your cause is stop making it look so bad
by associating yourself with it.

go read my post again. You are either dumb or you are pretending to be dumb.
You realize that mandating a fuel change right now is economically impossible, especially in the current american economical context. Where the fuck did i say getting educated is not a good thing? where am i saying that education is not a good economical investment? Stop throwing words into my mouth and open your mind and listen for a sec. I am saying that I don't think consuming oil is the right thing for teenagers to do by driving their ass to school and back like lots of people i know. Usually teenagers and high school age drivers work on weekends, where is the class work scheduling conflict there? I never said not to educate people, it is not to have people drive. If lots of people would stop the useless driving it would be much better.

the answer to people who say public transportation doesn't work with their schedule is because public transportation is shit there. so how about fixing it? Bus schedules should be synchronized, like they are in Seattle, to the times schools get out, or start classes. I have a bus going south and another going north and another one going to east and west within ten minutes of when classes are over right outside my school. My school is out at three and I can be in downtown seattle by four and by four thirty at SeaTac airport if I really try. That is part of making public transportation better, syncronizing the schedules with major public things such as high schools and universities so people can go to places in time.

If people would fix public transportation, there would be less need for people, ESPECIALLY teenagers to drive. At 21 people could drive under my system, right on their 21st birthday and could have their license that day, because i would let them go to driving school early enough.

The effects of lower oil prices by cutting demand by getting teenagers off the road will deflate the economy and strengthen the dollar so the government would now have a bunch more money on their hands to invest on money help for college kids so they won't need to work.

Oh, getting a diploma from a decent college and an internship pretty much beats any past "teenage" experience
You realize that mandating a higher driving age is not only practically impossible but economically disastrous?

You didn't say education wasn't a good thing, you just said enough about that portion of the population 'being useless' to contradict anything you might say about it being a good thing.

You're trying to make something that isn't about oil into something that is. It isn't working. You won't be tackling the problem directly. Yours is an indirect solution, if it is one at all. Want to make a bigger difference? Go after trucking and illegalize suburbs.

Come down here and try fixing public transportation sometime. Really, you'll be as qualified as anyone else who has come along and made any attempt at improvement, so you might as well. Plus, you're assuming we can have everything fixed quickly enough to get everyone everywhere they need to be quickly enough.

This is far-fetched and entirely unrealistic, and it doesn't even come close to attacking the problem the right way. It really doesn't matter if you think I or anyone else deserve the titles closed-minded or dumb - get back in touch with reality and maybe people will start listening.

remind me again, how do lower oil prices impair a college kid's ability to earn a degree? A huge chunk of college kids don't even have jobs during the academic year btw

Okay, quit your whining about oil for a second and let's get a *real* solution to that - like a viable alternative becoming popular, which we are more than ready for. And quit assuming that I'm pro-oil or anti-alternative-fuel or whatever you think is making me argue with the need for different fuel sources - I'm easily as much in favor of a new source of energy as you are, I just don't think your plan is a good way to bring that about.

No, a huge chunk of college kids don't have jobs, because the best way to get the most out of an education is to spend time on it. Try getting a degree in the sciences from a respectable university in four years while working. That's the point - full-time studying is expected of you, whether it's the case or not, and getting a worthwhile degree from a respectable university is supposed to be fucking hard. We should be encouraging full-time studying because it reduces the time taken to get a degree. And you should allow something other than going out and working 9 to 5 to be considered useful.

I didn't say education was not important. I made that point in one of my earlier posts. But while getting a fucking education, kids should not be consuming shitloads of oil. That is it, because at that time they don't produce de facto money. They gotta earn the right to burn oil UNTIL everyone has access to alternative fuels, or the government does something about energy efficiency standards
that is true for both me and Jbroll. None of us have shown any statistics yet.

There's a difference between a sweeping generalization and a post that doesn't contain statistics. Didn't think I needed to pull out statistics given all the stuff already in the news about college attendance when it's enrollment time. There's a bit of a stretch between anything I've said and 'most of these people are useless' by any standards.

I didn't say education was not important. I made that point in one of my earlier posts. But while getting a fucking education, kids should not be consuming shitloads of oil. That is it, because at that time they don't produce de facto money. They gotta earn the right to burn oil UNTIL everyone has access to alternative fuels, or the government does something about energy efficiency standards

The problem is that, like all other investments, education doesn't produce immediate yield. People get loans, grants, and support from family based on the expected yield of their education - and then they repay the loans, justify their grants, and promise not to shove their parents in the shitty retirement homes.

Anyway, while we're deciding that arbitrary groups of people shouldn't get to consume gas...

Let's knock out the military (, NASCAR (, and fatties (, too.

You're COMPLETELY evading my previous statements about trucking, and of course the obvious problem of the actual need for teenagers to get places that won't go away if their parents are driving them around. This is still a problem.

How about directly attacking problems instead of half-baked and bizarre nonsense that may not even work?
