How many of you DONT drive?

Do you have a car?

  • I have a car

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • I dont have a car

    Votes: 25 51.0%

  • Total voters
People piss me off, so I drive on sidewalks.

By the way, you're a moron for trying to associate all metal heads with driving.
Began driving as a child. My father is an automechanic and would have me moving cars, flat bed and the two truck around for him. Also learned to drive construction machinery from my uncle. If people only knew how many foundations in this state were dug by 10 year olds they would shit. Oh and school buses.
I drive and I LOVE driving!

Hahahahahaha fuck you all!

Ditto. And to further the 'fuck you' attitude, I drive an SUV! I would love to have a more fuel efficient car, but until they make one that can carry 7 people or loads of stuff, I'll continue to pay way too much for gas. 95% of the time my friends and I go somewhere, I drive.
No public transport after 5 pm or before 9 am, cars are required if you want a job here. Bicycles aren't safe in that the drivers here tend to bully them around.
Where I live, I find the metro bus to be kind of a scary looking place. So I don't use the bus. I almost had to when I was getting off work from UNO's a few years ago, but I decided to hang out in the Starbucks for an hour until Alex could pick me up.
I don't drive. No license, no own car.

same here but i will soon (doubt it...)

Americans drive too much and thus feed Arabs with lots of money they, Americans, could use to get drugs and hookers.
I would raise the driving age to 21, come on, driving to school and shows is ridiculous for a teenager IMHO

same exact sentiment here, i really don't think i should have a license to be honest, i flinch every time i see a kid i know from school driving...
Cars = Freedom.

I dislike the idea of being attached to the bus schedule or paying outlandish cab fares. I like to be able to come and go from whereever I want, whenever I want.
My car = $900 sound system upgrade, and paid for free and clear... what better than a paid for car that works, with a fucking awesome system?! FREEDOM TO MOVE AS I WISH AND HEAR WHAT I WILL.
You cannot consider automatic transmissions as driving a car. Any monkey can push a lever to go and push the other one to stop. Automatic transmissions are why we have bad drivers in the US.

Drive a manual or ride a bike.