If you ever met James...

Probably. It would be the only thing I could say that might make him go "Oh, yeah? That rings a bell...a little one."

I think we all want to distinguish ourselves and since the time you have when you meet him is so short in comparison, you have to try and make a mark. ;)
I'd tell anyone from UM that I'd meet in person my username. It's good to establish some history where by default there is none. Makes conversation a tad easier and all. Unless you both hate each other, then things get kinda interesting.
Salvatore said:
My username is my real name. How do I get a cool pic like you guys?

Click "User CP" towards the top of the page on the left. Go down the left side until you see "Edit Avatar" and click that. Then you can choose or upload a picture from your computer as long as it meets the size requirements.
I met someone from the net I knew for years...and it was funny talking about other users on here and other people from chats, we sounded like a bunch of nerds.
People always come to me at shows and go : "hey are you Dead Lioness?"
its kinda silly, but then it helps you to connect a person to a user name and remember what he posted and who he/she is....

Why I just met a member from this forum yesterday at the Nevermore show ;)
what up California man? :tickled: :cool: