If you had to leave this world....


I am one sick fuck
Oct 28, 2001
Dallas, TX U.S.A.
...and you could only take ONE CD with you (ONE CD to listen to for the rest of your whole life)......which would it be....

some say Opeth's "Morningrise", some say Slayer's "Reign in Blood"

MIne would be....Dark Tranquillity "THE GALLERY"
I would kill myself because doesn't matter which cd I'd choose but I sure would forget to pick the batteries for the diskman!
Hmmmmmm that's very hard :(
Since Opeth,DT,Arcturus,Lacrimosa,At the gates etc tec I can sing myself i guess i would take the Madder Mortem "Mercury" CD which i had been searching for a looong time and finally received today (thanx to a special friend of mine)...I am listening to it right now...and as you may notice i am soooo super excited = )))))
Madder Mortem is probably the best band with female vocals around.... *the usual propaganda:p *

Vintersorg - Cosmic Genesis
In Flames - The Jester Race
Dark Tranquillity - Haven :o ;)

i have too many but one of those would go with me. Probably TJR but i wanna take all of them and none of you could stop me.
not that question!!! argh!!!!!! sometimes i can't get no sleep just thinking i would be forced to answer that question up there...
you can't do that. argh. ARGHGNRK!! ohshitohshitohshitoshit...

err, hm, err, hm, hmmm
arcturus - la masquerade infernale
or is it devin townsend's ocean machine?
oh hell! disco volante by mr bungle. yep. thats it.

dammit. tom waits - swordfishtrombones. no...
The gallery. err, and morningrise by opeth

oh goddamit fuckinshit whathaveidonetodeservethis grmpf.
mudvayne - l.d. 50

the funky thing is that it would'nt bother me too much if i was to spend the rest of my life on this hellish isle without any record to listen to because i would never get bored pondering which it should have been:loco: