If you had a band?

1.How many players.
2.What kind of instruments.
Guitars, Monster Drum set, Bass, Keyboards,
Violin maybe (only ocassionally)
3.What kind of music? (try to make the description accurate as possiple)
If I were the guitarrist (and I was really good)
then melodic heavy metal C. of Bodom style
If I were the drummer, then either that above
stated or a more industrial metal sound like
Fear Factory or Chimaira.
4.What kind of lyrics?
Anything that comes to mind..
Anything and Everything that inspires me
(good things included), Fantasy, Fiction
5.What would you like to do in that band?
Drums, composition, lyrics
6.If you had a forum in UM, who would be the moderator (cannot pick yourself)
7.Would choose somekind (ridiculous) theme..like for example swamp-shit (Kalmah).
Theme maybe... for each album
A ridiculous theme? No
8.What about corpsepaints?
9.How much blood you would like use in your promopics (if any)?
10.Ideal fan?
Any and all that trully appreciate my music
Hopefully with a mind of his or her own,
opinionated, open minded, and respectful
RealHazard said:
I really don´t know if this has already been discussed but here it goes:
You ideal band (you are a member of it..)

Well, i had a band, but it was about 3 years ago... since nothing...

1.How many players.
5 members

2.What kind of instruments.
Me, bass + lyrics

3.What kind of music? (try to make the description accurate as possiple)
Very similar to sepultura, like the Chaos AD album (not the last ones)
I try to form a second band a mix between Dark Tranquillity and Theatre of tragedy (like at their early years), but the project never really started...

4.What kind of lyrics?
See 3. Violent, direct and quite political for the first band, the second, more personnal

5.What would you like to do in that band?

6.If you had a forum in UM, who would be the moderator (cannot pick yourself)
Dont have enought time

7.Would choose somekind (ridiculous) theme..like for example swamp-shit (Kalmah).

8.What about corpsepaints?
I found it ridiculous in general. I consider that is reserved for the first black metal bands like Dark Throned, Mayhem, Immortal, Marduk... You had to have some charism to wear corpspainting, if not it s look ridiculous. Most bands hide them behind this kind of gimmick because they are not interresting. Any way those last years corpspainting disapear in many bands (they become more mature? !) like Cradle, Dimmu, etc...
I see Marduk 3 weeks ago and the corpspainting was very funny with the sweat !!! Let it rain, let it rain down on me... !!:)

9.How much blood you would like use in your promopics (if any)?

10.Ideal fan? (stupid question indeed.. :erk: )
- I hate fanatism...

This just came into my mind..
1. How many players?

I doubt there'll be more than 4 people that match each other enough to make harmonic music. But there'll have to be, or else they'll have to be multi-talented.

2. What kind of instruments?

The inevitable electronic guitars, acoustic guitars, quality drums, bass guitars and other instruments varying from time to time (might be folk ones, piano or electronic keyboards). As for the vocals, there must be a good death-vocalist with a low deep voice and a rather clear pronounciation for sung lyrics to be heard; it's good if that person could sing in clean mellow voice. I'd rather have a female vocalist in the band, too.

3. What kind of music? (try to make the description as accurate as possible)

As I usually say, it can be "melodic" without "death", but it cannot be "death" without "melodic". Something that resembles The Gallery.

4. What kind of lyrics?

The lyrics must have indept meaning and be written in a way that every seeking person could find something, which expresses his own feelings in these words. They should be a little less obscure than DT's and maybe sometimes have a religious content.

5. What would you like to do in that band?

I'd do the vocals and the artwork.

6. If you had a forum in UM, who would be the moderator (cannot pick yourself)

Why not? Hedon is from the band, if I am not mistaken. :o
It would be me and my.

7. Would choose somekind (ridiculous) theme..like for example swamp-shit (Kalmah).

I do not understand what do you mean. I guess that's a "no".

8. What about corpsepaints?

It dependson on the content of the lyrics and the general emotional state of the performance.

9. How much blood you would like use in your promopics (if any)?

Who needs blood? I'll not try to show my agressive nature [because it is not], I'd rather create a picture that will make people thoughtful...Maybe I'll have no promo pics at all, if I decide not to open our creations to [ignorant] public.

10. Ideal fan?

It is a very important question, indeed.
I wouldn't want to have "fans", I'd prefer those who are deeply interested in my creations and the lyrical content of songs, the aware and worthy individualists that are more like myself. I don't want to have a lot of admirers. It is better to have few good friends of the band instead.

Tebus, you've surprised and touched me greatly with your praise... I didn't expect to be noticed after such a short time of being a registered member on this nice forum. Thank you...
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1.How many players.
four or five

2.What kind of instruments.
guitar, guitar, bass, drums, vox.. all organic stuff, no machines :)

3.What kind of music? (try to make the description accurate as possiple)
metal, sillyface.

4.What kind of lyrics?
pissed off at the political system and at amorphous emotional shit

5.What would you like to do in that band?
I'd be the mastermind of it all

6.If you had a forum in UM, who would be the moderator (cannot pick yourself)

7.Would choose somekind (ridiculous) theme..like for example swamp-shit (Kalmah).

8.What about corpsepaints?
haha, god no

9.How much blood you would like use in your promopics (if any)?

10.Ideal fan? (stupid question indeed.. :erk: )
@Tebus:Aww, thanks for including me, as well. I'd support you band anyday; it sounds awesome.