If you think Kirk Hammet is the best guitar player in the world...

the_satanic_rabbit said:
Then go to www.espguitars.com and join their message board, because you aren't welcome here!


:rock::rock: hell yeah!!!!
If you think Kirk Hammet is the best guitar player in the world... ... you've never heard Micheal Romeo in action.

... Come to think of it ... doesn't MR use ESPs as well???:err:
Kirk Hammet hasn't been anything special since Ride The Lightning. And even then he was just fast. Now all he does is overuse that wah pedal every chance he gets. I hate his sound! I hate new Metallica! I hate everything! Well, I don't hate SymphonyX, that's for sure! Ha ha.
MetallicA is going down the drains, if St. Anger really is nothing special, I'm gonna bail on MetallicA completely, they may have been one of the fore-founders of Speed-Trash, but today ... sigh ... what a way to go.

In all honesty, when I started with metal, I did think KH was the coolest guitarist around, then I got into SX ... and then the whole world just changed! ... lol:Smokin:
I wasn't a big fan of "...And Justice For All", but at least that album had some remnants of early Metallica. And yes, bands need to evolve and change to keep things fresh, but they've just gone too far. With exceptions of a song here or there, I haven't liked anything they've done since "Master of Puppets". They've just gotten really bad. I bailed on them years ago.
i think james wrote most of the riffs for metallica anyway,i liked metallica ten years ago but music has progressed a lot since then and metallica has not
I've always hated Metallica. There are so many factors. Personally I'm a drummer, and Lars Ulrich is the most overated drummer that ever existed. Kirk has nothing on Romeo or Petrucci. Their singer sucks. And after the bassist died, they lost there bass chops. Thats about as bad as a band can get.

I always did respect them for the S&M concert. Though I never saw them as being worthy enough to sit in with that orchestra. It should be Symphony X playing with them. Tell me that wouldn't be awesome hearing symphony x playing the Odyssey and Divine Wings with a full Orchestra backing them up!
Grrr..Metallica bad. Not Master of Puppets, Metallica bad. Grrrr..

OK, now that I got the obligatory Metallica bashing done, I'll just say that I do like them. We all know Kirk isn't the best guitar player ever. Most Metallica fans know that. And I'm looking forward to St. Anger, if the reviews I've read are any truth.
Metallica is an example of a band that has used up their greatness, yet continues to steal the limelight from bands with true musicianship and skills, i.e. Symphony X. I used to love Metallica, and it's a shame that not everyone can come around seeing what true greatness is.
Honestly, I was never a huge metallica fan anyway, so I could care less if their new album is "metal" or not...

And Kirk Hammet is one of the few players out there that I will come right out and say that I absolutely HATE.
Suicide said:
If you think Kirk Hammet is the best guitar player in the world... ... you've never heard Micheal Romeo in action.

... Come to think of it ... doesn't MR use ESPs as well???:err:

I'm pretty damn sure he's joking :grin:
Seriously, is there someone who actually believes Kirk Hammet is the best guitarist in the world???

You have no idea. Try the Metallica boards...it's hilarious!

Metallica only had three good albums (in my opinion), which were "Ride the Lightning", "Master of Puppets" and "...And Justice For All". Of course, the addition of an actual bass guitar to "Justice" would have made it MUCH better.

Their first album was crap (excluding one or two songs)...just stupid, brainless thrash metal. The Black Album was over-produced pop (with, once again, one or two good tunes), and Load and ReLoad...well...

However, I would rather listen to 90's Metallica over all this rap-metal and nu-metal garbage being released today...

By the way, the only insanely talented member of Metallica died back in '86. It sucks, I know.
hum,, I liked them when I was about (what) 15 or 16 something like that.. But that was b-4 I knew what real talent was.. not to say they didn't have any talent, but I never knew about people like Romeo or Yngwie, I was pretty much stuck in the main stream music, never knowing the REALLY good stuff.. BUT now I know and it is an eye opener.
Actually ... I wasn't ... I think I saw a pic of MR stringing up a ESP once ... i think that was a little while back .... the headstock looked like that of an ESP ... so I thought it was an ESP ... although I could be mistaken
Lars Ulrich is one of those people I would just beat the shit out of without a thought if I saw him on the street(for more reasons than I can count on my fingers).

For those who haven't heard it:

What do Metallica and a slinky have in common?

1. They both used to be metal.
2. They both would be a fuckload of a lot of fun to watch tumble down a flight of stairs.:cool: