If you were to form a band, what would be your name?

My band is Version Seven, I think I'm just going by my real name but last night we had an idea to totally sellout to MTV with some shitty pop song, get cash, then get up on stage in front of an audience of 200 million and play vile death metal as we piss on the crowd until we get dragged off the stage.

I use ARES as my solo project name, because those are my initials.

I should play the buttharp in a Black Sabbath cover band and call myself Leon Whoretaco. Wizard.
One Inch Man said:
last night we had an idea to totally sellout to MTV with some shitty pop song, get cash, then get up on stage in front of an audience of 200 million and play vile death metal

Haha, I always joke about this with my friend, we talk about starting up a metal band once we improve our skills, and this'd be an awesome way to finance everything.
After laughing about that for 5 minutes, we agreed that we should just do that anyway when we start playing bar shows. :loco:

Demo to be recorded this weekend! :rock:
We have a terrible name, but none of us care (it's the guitarist's seventh band, and he writes most of the songs, so there you go). We might change it to Butt Punch McGee.
my band is towering creepy bastards, as it has been for years.
the album is called 'a lumberjack's tale' and the only song i have prepared enough is "you gonna get raped by the feces of satan"

we are comprised of many UM members, playing everything from the kazoo to a glockenspiel made of human bones.
My first band was a shitty punk band called Sociephobia. Then came the pretty fucking decent Burning Creation, which broke up after our singer puked on my parents' bed and I went away to college. Still have five tracks from our rehearsal tape floating around. Now I'm in Regurgitated Cow Fetus, simultaneously the best and the worst band of all time.

If I started another real band, some ideas are Defenestrator, Lifestifle, Dread Lord, Rupture, and Maim. Thrash, clearly.
Hormone Overdrive = first band.

Spinal Showerhead = second band, which was essentially Hormone Overdrive just doing covers for beer money. Our set list? Enter Sandman, Creeping Death, & Hangar 18.
I could totally use a drum player, or bass player, for that matter. I just want to do my totally shitty vocals and play my totally slutty guitar. It has some old Danzig (I, II, III) ideas in it too, but it's basically "horror punk". I have riffs and lyrics, just no friends :( Move to Connecticut, I have 4 bottles of Molson Golden CSCSDSROREEEEEDESS