if were to organize a festival in NY ...

Erik said:
and then youd have to ask yourself whether your goal is to organize a good and unique concert or to make money off shitty but popular bands like thousands of people before you

a combination of both
I would not expect to break even on your first year. Glen from PP did not and other fests did not. You can expect to loose money the first year... then second year you can break even or come out ahead. If the first year has a great buzz.

I stopped doing the Minneapolis Mayhem since it drains money from the pocket and continues to loose. So... I stopped. No more Minneapolis Mayhem.
MisterMayhem said:
I would not expect to break even on your first year. Glen from PP did not and other fests did not. You can expect to loose money the first year... then second year you can break even or come out ahead. If the first year has a great buzz.

I stopped doing the Minneapolis Mayhem since it drains money from the pocket and continues to loose. So... I stopped. No more Minneapolis Mayhem.

Not sure, but like any other business it all depends on promotion and good word of mouth.

I really have great contacts and relationships in the media for pretty much every Euro and South American country in NYC.

where is this thread going again? :lol: ... all of us originally involved have too much at stake right now to invest in this ... but I wholeheartedly believe its very doable.
I'm gonna do my own festival, I've decided.


$40 per ticket, North Six, Brooklyn.

Date Confirmation Pending. Watch this space.
JayKeeley said:
I'm gonna do my own festival, I've decided.


$40 per ticket, North Six, Brooklyn.

Date Confirmation Pending. Watch this space.
LOL. Candlemass is so unstable, I don't think I'd want to book my first festival around them.

bands from Israel charge alot :loco: .. bah

northsix holds about 400 tops ...

I still want goddamn Warsaw in Brooklyn for this fest ... 1200 capacity an super cool place ... very hang out friendly
lurch70 said:
bands from Israel charge alot :loco: .. bah

northsix holds about 400 tops ...

I still want goddamn Warsaw in Brooklyn for this fest ... 1200 capacity an super cool place ... very hang out friendly
I think you need to start this festival with two established acts, who would draw from different parts of the Metal spectrum. For instance, there's little point in having (for example) Blind Guardian and Iced Earth. They draw the exact same crowd, and as a promoter, that second band buys you nothing. Fill the rest of the bill with the best local talent that you don't need to pay much for.

If we ever get truly serious about this, I'm in.

If we ever get truly serious about this, I'm in.

I had a feeling this was coming ... :loco:

I agree with what you said above. The 2 bands you mentioned above are way too big for this. They would draw, but probably their label/management/etc. would not want them to do a one off ... dunno for sure.

With all due respect to HC and their promoters, one of the reaosns I am personally not interested in the fest, is for the very same reason you mentioned above. All the bands in the lineup are "very similar" in style ... I know this is why its called the HC ... I get it, but it does not do well in drawing a more diverse crowd (another words larger attendance).

And tbh, I would not go into this if its a losing proposition ... art is art, but its also business.

There are tons of "huge" bands that never made it over here from Europe that can draw big ... even if they are not necesarilly ones that we here like. But they would be able to fill the seats and make it possible for the bands we like to play as well. And this is what I care about.

+ diversity is always good.
lurch70 said:
I had a feeling this was coming ... :loco:
I'm interested in this, as I'm obviously passionate about music. And the opportunity to do something in music is very tempting.

lurch70 said:
I agree with what you said above. The 2 bands you mentioned above are way too big for this. They would draw, but probably their label/management/etc. would not want them to do a one off ... dunno for sure.
Purely for example. Beyond the fact that they're too big for a newbie fest, I don't envision this being a Power Metal fest.

lurch70 said:
With all due respect to HC and their promoters, one of the reaosns I am personally not interested in the fest, is for the very same reason you mentioned above. All the bands in the lineup are "very similar" in style ... I know this is why its called the HC ... I get it, but it does not do well in drawing a more diverse crowd (another words larger attendance).
I think what they're doing is a bit different from what we're discussing doing. They need to draw more heavily from the demographic of Metal fans that travel. So, having multiple bands from the same genre, entices those fans to travel. What we're talking about doing, doesn't require us to entice people to travel, because of the size of tri-state area's population.

lurch70 said:
And tbh, I would not go into this if its a losing proposition ... art is art, but its also business.
Agreed. If this is to happen, it shouldn't be born out of drunken conversation at 2AM. If we do get serious about this, I think we should reach out the the HC guys and see what advice/insight they can give us. I can probably reach out to Glenn (ProgPower) as well for some pointers.

lurch70 said:
There are tons of "huge" bands that never made it over here from Europe that can draw big ... even if they are not necesarilly ones that we here like. But they would be able to fill the seats and make it possible for the bands we like to play as well. And this is what I care about.

lurch70 said:
+ diversity is always good.
