if were to organize a festival in NY ...

sounds like it's more feasible financially speaking, but if this mysterious figure discussed in the other thread is willing to toss some cash into this, why not go for more?
Will Bozarth said:
^^ that man has a very very good idea. get a band we all love and get all the RC forum bands to open for them </restating good idea>

I'm sorry, but that's really just NOT the idea I personally had in mine, and I'm pretty sure lurch feels the same as I do.

I have no problem stating that I DO NOT LOVE Agalloch either.
lurch70 said:
what the fuck happend to this idea? :loco:
Organizing festivals requires a willingness to lose money, something no one around here seems to have.

If anyone was really serious about this, they'd be far better off organizing it in central NJ, where it would draw folks from Philly as well. Not to mention, NJ is substantially cheaper than NYC.

What about RUDRA???
Don know if it would bring in as much crowd as Primodial but then it would be a new band to catch live!!!!
General Zod said:
Organizing festivals requires a willingness to lose money, something no one around here seems to have.

If anyone was really serious about this, they'd be far better off organizing it in central NJ, where it would draw folks from Philly as well. Not to mention, NJ is substantially cheaper than NYC.


it all depends, my calculations made out for a profit if we have a gig.
lets not forget that NY can defientelly draw a larger crowd than MN.
yes, the venue costs would be higher, but they would be offset by bands not having to travel to MN from NY ... they all fly into JFK initially.

plus Euro bands are eaten up here. I know I would get the Metal Kingdom guy involved in promotions and I have an old friend of mine from HS that is deep in the scene doing promos in her spare time. Also have someone that is good friends with the owner of Duff's ...

Point is, promo would be handled great and I am pretty confident it would not be a money losing proposition.

Its a matter of getting the cash raised and getting over the fear of pulling it off as it is a monumental task to organize such a fest.
lurch70 said:
lets not forget that NY can defientelly draw a larger crowd than MN. yes, the venue costs would be higher, but they would be offset by bands not having to travel to MN from NY ... they all fly into JFK initially.
The savings you'd realize on flights would be lost on hotel rooms, cost of food, etc.

lurch70 said:
Its a matter of getting the cash raised and getting over the fear of pulling it off as it is a monumental task to organize such a fest.
Agreed. What types of bands do you see as headliners?

General Zod said:
The savings you'd realize on flights would be lost on hotel rooms, cost of food, etc.

Agreed. What types of bands do you see as headliners?


there are hotels in the boroughs that are just as innexpensive as ones in MN or NJ ...

bands ... a few Eastern Euro ones with drawing power from the locla community. Polish, Russian, etc.

For example ... some may freak out ... but getting Ektomorf over would sell out the place alone. ...

And of course i would like to bring NB over ... that would be the main goal ... but they are not enough.
A 1000-1200 capacity venue sold out ... + merch and booze ... and you have a profit.
I think the most important thing would be to start off small, with a view to doing it every year and growing year on year, kind of like Heathen Crusade. The Ragnarok Festival was a festival starting up over here this year, due to take place in November, but that has had to be cancelled (see the site for why). I can't imagine the wasted time and money that went into organising it.
lurch70 said:
For example ... some may freak out ... but getting Ektomorf over would sell out the place alone. ...
and then youd have to ask yourself whether your goal is to organize a good and unique concert or to make money off shitty but popular bands like thousands of people before you