How important is a band name?

Many thanks... in a strange coincidence- i deleted WinRAR last night. I'll have to DL it again. I agree, I don't think anything that V is involved in will ever beat out Odemarkens Son and Till Fjalls (aka two of the top 15 albums ever)
A band name is kinda like a statement of intent, gives that first impression of what you're about. A cool, dramatic band name is essential :cool:
A band name is extremely important because it reflects the music. For example Metal bands have harsh and masculine sounding names such as Iron, Black, Priest, Dissection whereas Pop bands have feminine sounding names such as Take That, Westlife, Boyzone. The name of a bad is an advertisment of the type of music they play.
Fuck, and they're Canadian!

I used to judge bands completely by the names, and it kept me from checking out bands like Nokturnal Mortum, Goat Horn, etc. 'cause I thought they'd be some kind of stupid satanic crap. I was wrong on both fronts there. Now the names I stay away from are the ones that sound like tough-guy crap or just plain stupid. I'll check out any band if you suggest them to me enough, though!
Hm, I actually think a band name is important. There are countless terrible Power, Death and Black metal bands. I agree with Spaffe, simple one word names are always the best.
I've never been one to completely avoid bands with ridiculous names, though when I see ones that are total genre cliches or sound hilariously misguided (nobody told Edguy or Iced Earth to change theirs?), the chances of them sounding good diminish greatly...
lizard said:
If you aren't from an english speaking country but you decide to have an english name, wouldn't it kinda make sense to ask an american or a brit or an aussie or a canadian if it sounds stupid?

On the other hand, isn't it fun to explain what Green Carnation was supposed to mean in the first place (rotting flesh)?
Of course the names important. If a bands called skullfucker666cuminyourmomseye i have an idea what they are gona sound like. If they are called Boiz Lyfe i have an idea wat there gona sound like. if they are called Frostbitten Necro-Cult i have an idea of who they are ripping off, etc etc. Though i could be very wrong, it still helps at first glance...
I agree the bandname means a lot to the image of the music, etc. It represents who the band are, what the music is like.

Related: my friend finds Rotting Christ's bandname very offensive. *giggle*
mousewings said:
I agree the bandname means a lot to the image of the music, etc. It represents who the band are, what the music is like.

I agree. Its very hard to take a band called "w00d5bi7c4" seriously with a name like that (they even claim to be serious BM!). Fuck off to them and people like them.

On the other hand, a whitty name like "Strapping Young Lad" is good. Related: The new SYL album "Alien" is absolutely fantastic.
Marksveld said:
I agree. Its very hard to take a band called "w00d5bi7c4" seriously with a name like that (they even claim to be serious BM!). Fuck off to them and people like them.
Though it could be a countermeasure to alienate people who judge bands on a superficial basis i.e. band names. Have you heard the music? It might surprise you!
Im not usually at all picky with band names- it was just extreme cases, like what i mentioned, that i was talking about