If you would die tomorrow...


Jun 11, 2005
Imagine you are kicking the bucket tomorrow.You are given the choice to spend a couple of hours with any person you want (no family).What would your choice be?
the obvious answer - and what i would choose if i were selfish - is my girlfriend. but this gives rise to the question: would you want to inflict something so painful on your beloved, knowing he/she will live with the memory of the sad goodbye? not that i have an answer.
@rahve: your answer is probably no, but i don't claim final authority on this.

on the other hand, my answer is: the next-to-last hour with someone i can have sex with (selection to be conducted on the spur of the moment), the last hour with the pope.
@marduk: morbid? i didn't mean i wanted to have sex with the pope. two different people for two different hours. :p as for sad, i dunno, most things i say tend to be sad as of late, but really i didn't mean to be depressing this time. :)
insilence said:
Imagine you are kicking the bucket tomorrow.You are given the choice to spend a couple of hours with any person you want (no family).What would your choice be?

Muahahaha, just let me get to that bitch once again - she would never be glad I was dying :loco: :hotjump:

Seriously, man, give me at least a week... and what the duck - why plunge into depression during your last minutes with whomever: steal a car, rob a bank (and throw all the money out of the window, hehe), set McDonald's on FAYA!!!!, take shit from skyscraper or do something else creative alike... I don't know, I would prolly have fun on my own :p
hyena said:
@rahve: your answer is probably no, but i don't claim final authority on this.

on the other hand, my answer is: the next-to-last hour with someone i can have sex with (selection to be conducted on the spur of the moment), the last hour with the pope.
You really need to have sex :erk: Wanna borrow my guy? He's got blue eyes ;)
Probably go for a walk or something. I wouldn't want all the stupid good bye, hug your loved ones shit. Call me selfish, but Im the one dying, not them. final goodbye would be something quick and simple, like 'Ok I want you to know you've been a good parent to me, no matter what happens you have my gratitude'. then I'll march off into the sunset. I met a couple of people recently who I really have taken a fancy to, maybe their presence would be a treat. Only for some moments, just to get properly acquainted. Maybe have a hug or something.
@hyena: I understood very well what you meant and thats what I find sad. You would have had sex with a complete stranger (probably) and then spend your last hour with pope. Im just confused, cause this seems pretty stupid to be honest (or hypocritical? dunno) and from your previous posts Ive made a quite positive picture of you and now I dont know what to think. o_O :D
Oh, here it comes. No, I just didnt want her to feel Im taking it too seriously, sir.

EDIT: Well, I cant help it, but what made you write that? Am I the only one using smilies around? And why do you feel compelled to reply to a post which is absolutely not meant for you? (Yeah, I know its internet, you can do what you want and maybe I should use pms instead - and maybe disable smilies, in order to do some more ingratiating).
Well, not every time, but sometimes you post a reply to something which is none of your business, leaving the person totally confused as to why and all that. Youve done it several times before and then you apologised to the person (sometimes). Thats why I wrote here it comes again. Is it some kind of fetish of yours (like me using smilies)?
Haven't been on the forum in about 2390874 years, but just wanted to see what's going on.

I'd probably try to spend time with whichever of my friends was having some difficulties with life at the time. Hopefully I could offer some words of encouragement and put things in perspective for him or her.