"Ignorant America: Just How Stupid Are We?"

Zionist controlled media helps destroy American values and culture. Then again, this is a war against Christianity that they have been doing for the last hundred or so years.
I was reading this it true that America can be stupid.I hate celebrities news yet there so popular with people it make me mad.Sports can be a great thing for kids and I love sports but stuff like history and science is a lot more important than playing football.
Here's something I found which should illustrate my earlier point about the media:


That is very sad and worried about future generations about news.Some untalent pop star get huge press but something like tourtue chamber in Iraq is not.:rolleyes:
Did you stop to think that if teachers were better paid, the job itself would attract a higher calibre of mind?

actually the opisite would be true
the people that refer to themselves as "underpaid" are people that actually want to do the job title they're doing (obvious exception would be people under 25)
if teachers got paid a decent wage, you'd get teachers that don't give a shit about teaching where they're "just colecting a paycheck"
actually the opisite would be true
the people that refer to themselves as "underpaid" are people that actually want to do the job title they're doing (obvious exception would be people under 25)
if teachers got paid a decent wage, you'd get teachers that don't give a shit about teaching where they're "just colecting a paycheck"

sorry i spaced out and didn't realize that this was an old thread that i'd already posted in

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.tom prime example of "school failure", however its not simply schools, a thought pattern that is a prime example of US failure. Our problem is cultural, its media, its "reality" drama, its sensationalism, its priorities, its liberalism, its wankerism, its having these third world cultures stuff down our throats, multiculterism, lack of proper directed pride on being american and the white self loathing thats been implanted in every childs head for decades via our liberal school teachers.

I have been bitching about school teachers and the way the entire school system has been set up since I was in school 35 years ago. Today this has further declined as our teachers are over paid bleeding heart liberals whos main purpose from K-5th grade is to teach children that they have rights and are their own individual person and need to apply this to its fullest as a matter of primary concern. When in fact its over due to get the rulers and paddles back out and start kicking some punk ass butt... now theres a pile of reality. We have allowed ourselves to become victims of our own society and wanky assed culture.

This will not improve and will continue to decline as our culture continues to decline, we will become more and more of a third world country, the days of the american empire are over, we failed to embrace and maintain what made this country great, we exported all of that and imported a giant pile of other cultures. Our priorities were backwards and pointless, we sold our soul, end of story
It's not just the libs that are destorying school. Neo conseratives as well. Two articles that will tell you why.


TOPEKA, Kansas (CNN) -- A decision this week by the Kansas Board of Education to delete the teaching of evolution from the state's science curriculum has angered the mainstream science community in the United States.

"This act ... took us back 100 years in science teaching and education," says Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. "I hope the courts will be the one to find time to correct the decision."

The board's decision doesn't require the teaching of creationism, nor does it forbid the teaching of evolution. The specific curriculum is left to the local school boards -- and to the teachers who now find themselves with questions.

"Do we touch on those areas? What about students who do not want to hear this viewpoint?" says Tammy Stauber, an eighth-grade science teacher. "Should they be allowed to leave the classroom, or is it mandatory that they have to listen to the teacher?"

The board's decision means students will no longer face questions on state tests about evolution
Other states, including Texas, California, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Nebraska and New Hampshire, have witnessed battles between evolutionists and creationists in the last several years.

But the Kansas decision seems to be a major victory for those who believe that the Bible's book of Genesis, not the theory of evolution, explains the origin of man.

"You can't apply the scientific method to evolution," says Gary Demar of the group American Vision. "It's never been observed. You can't repeat the experiment. And so what's being sold as science, in terms of evolution, really isn't science in terms of the way they define it."

If the decision stands, some Kansas students will continue to learn about evolution, while others may learn about creationism. But the courts could intervene and rule that the school board's decision violates the separation of church and state.


Cynthia Dunbar does not have a high regard for her local schools. She has called them unconstitutional, tyrannical and tools of perversion. The conservative Texas lawyer has even likened sending children to her state's schools to "throwing them in to the enemy's flames". Her hostility runs so deep that she educated her own offspring at home and at private Christian establishments.

Now Dunbar is on the brink of fulfilling a promise to change all that, or at least point Texas schools toward salvation. She is one of a clutch of Christian evangelists and social conservatives who have grasped control of the state's education board. This week they are expected to force through a new curriculum that is likely to shift what millions of American schoolchildren far beyond Texas learn about their history.

The board is to vote on a sweeping purge of alleged liberal bias in Texas school textbooks in favour of what Dunbar says really matters: a belief in America as a nation chosen by God as a beacon to the world, and free enterprise as the cornerstone of liberty and democracy.

"We are fighting for our children's education and our nation's future," Dunbar said. "In Texas we have certain statutory obligations to promote patriotism and to promote the free enterprise system. There seems to have been a move away from a patriotic ideology. There seems to be a denial that this was a nation founded under God. We had to go back and make some corrections."

Those corrections have prompted a blizzard of accusations of rewriting history and indoctrinating children by promoting rightwing views on religion, economics and guns while diminishing the science of evolution, the civil rights movement and the horrors of slavery.

Several changes include sidelining Thomas Jefferson, who favoured separation of church and state, while introducing a new focus on the "significant contributions" of pro-slavery Confederate leaders during the civil war.

The new curriculum asserts that "the right to keep and bear arms" is an important element of a democratic society. Study of Sir Isaac Newton is dropped in favour of examining scientific advances through military technology.

There is also a suggestion that the anti-communist witch-hunt by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s may have been justified.

The education board has dropped references to the slave trade in favour of calling it the more innocuous "Atlantic triangular trade", and recasts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as driven by Islamic fundamentalism.

"There is a battle for the soul of education," said Mavis Knight, a liberal member of the Texas education board. "They're trying to indoctrinate with American exceptionalism, the Christian founding of this country, the free enterprise system. There are strands where the free enterprise system fits appropriately but they have stretched the concept of the free enterprise system back to medieval times. The president of the Texas historical association could not find any documentation to support the stretching of the free enterprise system to ancient times but it made no difference."

The curriculum has alarmed liberals across the country in part because Texas buys millions of text books every year, giving it considerable sway over what publishers print. By some estimates, all but a handful of American states rely on text books written to meet the Texas curriculum. The California legislature is considering a bill that would bar them from being used in the state's schools.

In the past four years, Christian conservatives have won almost half the seats on the Texas education board and can rely on other Republicans for support on most issues. They previously tried to require science teachers to address the "strengths and weaknesses" in the theory of evolution – a move critics regard as a back door to teaching creationism – but failed. They have had more success in tackling history and social studies.

Dunbar backed amendments to the curriculum that portray the free enterprise system (there is no mention of capitalism, deemed to be a tainted word) as a cornerstone of liberty and argue that the government should have a minimal role in the economy.

One amendment requires that students be taught that economic prosperity requires "minimal government intrusion and taxation".

Underpinning the changes is a particular view of religion.

Dunbar was elected to the state education board on the back of a campaign in which she argued for the teaching of creationism – euphemistically known as intelligent design – in science classes.

Two years ago, she published a book, One Nation Under God, in which she argued that the United States was ultimately governed by the scriptures.

"The only accurate method of ascertaining the intent of the founding fathers at the time of our government's inception comes from a biblical worldview," she wrote. "We as a nation were intended by God to be a light set on a hill to serve as a beacon of hope and Christian charity to a lost and dying world."

On the education board, Dunbar backed changes that include teaching the role the "Jewish Ten Commandments" played in "political and legal ideas", and the study of the influence of Moses on the US constitution. Dunbar says these are important steps to overturning what she believes is the myth of a separation between church and state in the US.

"There's been this amorphous changing of how we look at religion and how we define religion within American history. One concern I have is that the viewpoint of the founding fathers is very clear. They were not against the promotion of religion. I think it is important to present a historically accurate viewpoint to students," she said.

On the face of it some of the changes are innocuous but critics say that closer scrutiny reveals a not-so-hidden agenda. History students are now to be required to study documents, such as the Mayflower Compact, which instil the idea of America being founded as a Christian fundamentalist nation.

Knight and others do not question that religion was an important force in American history but they fear that it is being used as a Trojan horse by evangelists to insert religious indoctrination into the school curriculum. They point to the wording of amendments such as that requiring students to "describe how religion and virtue contributed to the growth of representative government in the American colonies".

Among the advisers the board brought in to help rewrite the curriculum is David Barton, the leader of WallBuilders which seeks to promote religion in history. Barton has campaigned against the separation of church and state. He argues that income tax should be abolished because it contradicts the bible. Among his recommendations was that pupils should be taught that the declaration of independence establishes that the creator is at the heart of law, government and individual rights.

Conservatives have been accused of an assault on the history of civil rights. One curriculum amendment describes the civil rights movement as creating "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities. Another seeks to place Martin Luther King and the violent Black Panther movement as opposite sides of the same coin.

"We had a big discussion around that," said Knight, a former teacher. "It was an attempt to taint the civil rights movement. They did the same by almost equating George Wallace [the segregationist governor of Alabama in the mid-1960s] with the civil rights movement and the things Martin Luther King Jr was trying to accomplish, as if Wallace was standing up for white civil rights. That's how slick they are.

"They're very smooth at excluding the contributions of minorities into the curriculum. It is as if they want to render minority groups totally invisible. I think it's racist. I really do."

The blizzard of amendments has produced the occasional farce. Some figures have been sidelined because they are deemed to be socialist or un-American. One of them is a children's author, Bill Martin, who wrote a popular tale, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Martin was purged from the curriculum when he was confused with an author with a similar name but a different book, Ethical Marxism.
and this is because you despise christianity ? congradulations in allowing yourself to be so easliy side tracked. I believe the primary thing that has Christian groups up in arms to the point they are at today is this decline of our culture within this country. So now we know what idiots lay at the extremes to the problems, now how about everybody in the middle, are we going to turn on reality TV, some over paid jock game and do some sensationalizm drama ? Or are we going to get real ?
and this is because you despise christianity ? congradulations in allowing yourself to be so easliy side tracked. I believe the primary thing that has Christian groups up in arms to the point they are at today is this decline of our culture within this country. So now we know what idiots lay at the extremes to the problems, now how about everybody in the middle, are we going to turn on reality TV, some over paid jock game and do some sensationalizm drama ? Or are we going to get real ?

I don't totally despise christianity. What I despise is lot of the idiots in the religion that think Harry Potter is evil. I agree about reality tv. That 99% garbage in my opinion. Movies have their greats and shit forever. It's just like music. People will remember mostly the greats. People will always remember Led Zeppelin but not the Bay City Rollers. Movies fans will always remember the works of Martin Scorsese but not Uwe Boll(unless there talking about the worst director of movies). The storys was not about christens but how are school systems are bad because of this. I think we should get better at teaching more history and science. Math as well. And sports have been around forever and it's not just huge in America. Sports are worldwide. Don't blame America just for that from your sentence. You could blame Spain people for not caring about politics but rioting on streets when there favorite futball/soccer team wins the championship.
regardless, the more god fearing society that this country once was held higher standards and ethics, there can be no denying this. Now ethics has been thrown out the window and problems have risen further in attitudes we can find in the work force, in schools and on the street. My point was that by blanently opposing religion as if with a point to prove has led to certain less than desirable attitudes within the country and has also pushed less than rational thinking Christians into these extremes that are also more prominant today.We need a middle of the road here somewhere. This includes being more reality driven on isssues of immigration, multiculturalism, globalism, corporate decisions, wall street dictatorship and all else for their own sake screw all the problems involved currently bitch slapping our asses into the ground.

As for schooling whats taught in the schools regarding the subjects at hand is not the problem, its in how its taught, if its kept interesting and applied for the average Tom and Jane or if its just a painfully long day with the only excitment happening unchecked due to liberalism while the kids are in the halls and rec areas. My personal experience has been that teachers have alot of nerve, being some of the highest paid individuals within communities yet with a part time job... who promote the very liberalism of "anything goes" and then bitch and moan about how they have no control over the kids in school.

Maybe they need to "take a time out" long enough to realize that "timeouts" accomplish nothing. Maybe they need to realize that we need to have zero tolerance for selectively applied discriminating zero tolerance. Maybe they need to realize that humans are human and no one is the same or responds the same. Maybe they need to realize they are boring as hell teaching only to the level of the book nerds.

These other countries that excede us in better educated children are strict countries who have zero tolerance for bullshit. Our country has zero tolerence for those who oppose bullshit. Those countries make thier children tow the line, in our country it is not popular to make your children tow the line, its all up to them as "individuals" and thus human error will take effect because its natural for children to have better priorities than having thier noses in the books 10 hours a day which is what it will take to meet the standards of these better educated countries.

Myself as a child I cant imagine the torture of having my nose stuck in some fucking series of text books 10 hours a day trying to decifer what they are trying to tell me let alone the importance of such stuff to the future of my life. For many it all becomes apparent years too late in a world that begins to sort its youth as expendable or brain resource at a young age.

Now we are into the beaurocratic aspect of education, the listing and record keeping well masked behind the front that they mean to do good by all the people of the country, and we swallow it whole, gulp gulp gulp.
I need to get the fuck out of the blue states here on the east coast, I know that. The mid west is looking better all the time, just people going about thier daily lives not trying to change the world and everyones way of life.