Ihreil/Ihriel actually

I'm not starting with anything, I'm staring into those Advanced Engl. books from Cambridge, and nearly pulling my hair out, it's more complicated than the last level, what do I care if the butter is rancid? :mad: LOL

r'n'b, you are one fine tune.

xxxof God's creationxxx
ok, fuck is for the Key English Test. :grin:

would you help me? LOL
is the cigarette smoke stale? (bread is stale, fruit is rotten, vegetables and meat as well, and milk is sour. :bah: )
I just learned that the child fell and grazed her knee. :rolleyes:
curtains are blinds.....
I'll get blind till June, with this programm.... :hypno:

:lol: :lol: :grin:

well, that's what ppl from Cambridge want us to know, if we're on this level. I just went to this placement test and I belong to this one. and fuckin' books for proficiency are easier than this..

"an underlying principle of cultural behaviour is... " did you know that English ppl are unpleasantly blunt, in conflicts, when compared to some Asian cultures?


true, with the possible situation, but if I want to change job, I have to sacrifice my heart and soul to pass this one. they don't let you pass with D. :( I'm very fond of D.... LOL
I noticed that Scottish ppl are very kind... they kinda don't like you.... :o sing constantly "stand up who hates England, get up who hates England" and manically play pipes, which is divine. and it all started with William Wallace, or even earlier.... LOL
Ihreil, you think? I'm a Polish Croatian. LOL no kilt...
and those were supporters that came to Zgb for the soccer game. they were all kind. :) and very drunk.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
And everyone should own a kilt. Regardless on nationality.
When i'm in charge, then you'll see!


right now the only thing stopping me from wearing a kilt, is that I have no scottish on my father's side, so respect for their tradition
Chrome, whass provoking/disturbing you? you should keep in mind that the underlying principle of cultural behaviour is not to be outspoken. :grin:
I wouldn't, because I love flora and fauna. this way all the nice creatures (which are not humans, of course) would die out of smells coming from down unda. damn skunks... :bah:
