IK T-Racks 3 Singles discount, any good?

Somehow I ended up with T-racks eq. I almost never use it. I wish I remember how I got it for free, some sort of promotion they were running at the end of last year. You got a choice of ampeg uno, amlitube 2 uno, T-racks eq, or something else that I don't remember :lol:.

It is a pretty decent eq.
Somehow I ended up with T-racks eq. I almost never use it. I wish I remember how I got it for free, some sort of promotion they were running at the end of last year.

Same here - I got it free when I registered something, but I'm not sure what it was. Thats the one they seem to give away for free, but with the deal they have going now I may just have to fill out my plugins a little bit.
I now have all the plugins (Standard and Deluxe) and use them all the time. The brickwall limiter is great and versatile due to it's selectable algos, the opto compressor is so smooth and does not get in the way (I like it on busses of any kind, M/S mode is great), the fairchild is a great sounding tube-saturator and does things I cannot do with other comps, the Pultec is on par with my UAD-1's, maybe even better because of this subtle analogish distortion going on. The analyzer of the metering plug is too small. CSR can be a great sounding reverb if you tweak it, if you don't is doesn't (at least for me). I don't use the yellow plugins from the Standard version that much, because of their higher latency (I'm on PTLE, no ADC) and I did not try the LP EQ, yet because I use the Pultec for mastering.
For € 75,- (I paid € 79,- aaarrrggg!!!! ;-)) it's a steal. These are (except for the Opto and LinEQ) mojo-plugins that emulate analog gear, if you're on the ultra transparent and surgical side of mixing (think of Sonnox), they might not be your flavour.
I'm having an issue with my registration for the user account for the free plug-ins. I'm waiting for the CS rep to reply to my emails. The 670 sounds fat so far. I'm excited because I'm getting close to finishing tracking on my bands full length. The products seem high quality but I'm just having an issue with IK's CS. Be ultra careful when registering your product because the user account is where the bonus plug-ins are offered.

Bought the plugins, installed and registered them, played around for a few minutes and suddenly my PC crashes. After a reboot the plugins don't work - PT gives an error dialog that says "Please ensure you have registered this project" and then a DAE error #7054. FUCK IK.

EDIT: Got it sorted out, but if these plug-ins continue to crash ProTools, well, IK can suck a dick.