Iknow its off topic but.....

...AND IN ABBOTSFORD, WE HAVE MENNONITES. Google that, and see what you think, Ikki. The gods know we wouldn't have parked our asses in this town unless we'd had to at the time, cuz the narrowmindedness of some of these people is unreal, and it is not the kind of community I wanted my kids to grow up in. Mormonism is nothing in comparison, trust me.

I remember Johan saying to me (paraphrased) "Tomorrow we're playing in Salt Lake City. That ought to be interesting. I hear they don't much like longbearded vikings there...". Afterwards, he said it was one of the best gigs on the tour. They're played some "interesting" venues over the last few years!

wow...... i bet it was interesting
ummm i read about those mnenonites, and all i could extract is that the are like amish, however there´s nothing like that here where i live...i guess the more extreme forms of religion we do have here are the grannies on eastern time not eating meat...after all i guess i live in a pretty tolerant place( if we forget inquisition:rolleyes: )
Mormons can be pretty OK actually, a friend of mine is avid Mormon and she dances ballet to Amon Amarth's songs.

Dances ballet. To death metal. Yeah she's awesome.
Mennonites typically are able to use more higher technologies (depending on the sect) than the Amish due to culture and values - again though it completely differs with the sect. They're all anabaptists though, which is kind of cool.
heh... i say fuck christianity... it has nothing good to offer in the first place.... and that includes all of the subsects ..... its all nothing more than a money scheme anyway.....
You know in Rome when Christianity just got big, a priest (I'm assuming) made the first vending machine where you stuck your money in it and it trigger all these levers and pullies and such. You know what it dispensed? Holy water. Tell me that Christianity isn't all about money lol I also find it funny that they removed entire chapters of the bible cause the church didn't like them. Kinda bad when people don't even like the writings and teachings of people who created there religion.

Theres so much more I found amusing. Saw a thing about it on the History channel one day.
I look at it this way... while I don't consider Christians my enemy because of their religion, I am well aware that there are plenty of them who would consider me theirs, because of my views. It is always far better to know the ways of your enemy then not to know them. They can keep their ignorance and blind faith, I'm doing my fucking homework. :p
Yep. I don't care what they do really. If they want to believe in something that constantly contradicts themselves, go ahead. But I do know they do not like me and that I am probably "The Devil" or something to them. My family is Christian so I hear about the crap from them and I watch the history channel which tends to have a lot of interesting stuff on Christianity. I know them and there weakness, they don't know mine cause of there ignorance haha