

In Thor we trust
Mar 21, 2003
Hey, im not sure if its decerAbration or decerEbration... Any of you know this band? Its very old and I think its one of the hidden treasure in death metal! Really! No one knows about it but its great I swear :p Im trying to find MP3 of their only album but I cant seem to find them anywhere ( They only had a tape, no CD, wich complicates things a bit...). Anywayz, what I really liked about this band is that they had some heavy riffs (ala Dying fetus) mix with melodic riffs! The fusion was nice... No band ever did that succesfully i think! Except them... If you know where to get the MP3s then please tell!!!
Pyaemia said:
Hey, im not sure if its decerAbration or decerEbration... Any of you know this band? Its very old and I think its one of the hidden treasure in death metal! Really! No one knows about it but its great I swear :p Im trying to find MP3 of their only album but I cant seem to find them anywhere ( They only had a tape, no CD, wich complicates things a bit...). Anywayz, what I really liked about this band is that they had some heavy riffs (ala Dying fetus) mix with melodic riffs! The fusion was nice... No band ever did that succesfully i think! Except them... If you know where to get the MP3s then please tell!!!

took me about 3 seconds to find their mp3s on the following hub:
Pyaemia said:
(ala Dying fetus)

that would be "à la (dying fetus)".. geese your french speaking and you misspell this? i meen dew i sckorch langages wen i right on a forhumz? i downt thinck sow! :D
anyway i'll check the band out from the link Tomasz posted when i'll have time :) and i'll see if its that good.. see you then brother
You mean like Morpheus or something?

Tomasz said:
ooppss, I assumed you knew, I was refering to Direct Connect peer to peer sharing community where you have to first get into a specific hub to find whatever it is that you are looking for
Hey I got DC++ and tried to connect to and if i figured everything correctly I cant cause of...
Lapamannen> You're not sharing enough, your sharesize is 0 B and the minimum allowed is 5.00 GiB
Does that mean that i need to have uploaded 5 GiB before i can connect to this?

Tomasz said:
ooppss, I assumed you knew, I was refering to Direct Connect peer to peer sharing community where you have to first get into a specific hub to find whatever it is that you are looking for
Pyaemia said:
Hey I got DC++ and tried to connect to and if i figured everything correctly I cant cause of...
Lapamannen> You're not sharing enough, your sharesize is 0 B and the minimum allowed is 5.00 GiB
Does that mean that i need to have uploaded 5 GiB before i can connect to this?

yes, that's what that means, just pick some other hub (that will not kick you out) post it's address here and I'll drop by tomorrow (thursday) around 7PM US EST so you can download it from me as I have those mp3s now, I go by Imortalski
Can't I just add you to my MSN? Wouldn't it be easier this way? Or do you still want to go thru DC++? You choose......

Tomasz said:
yes, that's what that means, just pick some other hub (that will not kick you out) post it's address here and I'll drop by tomorrow (thursday) around 7PM US EST so you can download it from me as I have those mp3s now, I go by Imortalski
I was able to go into by sharing by whole harddrive lol... :| But i tried like 5 times searching for Decerebration and i never got any matches, maybe I didnt upload enough? In any case, I can either be in or this other i chose randomly If for some unexpected reason I cant make it tonite Ill tell you here and maybe we can set another meeting another time... Thanks

Tomasz said:
once again, if you want those mp3s follow the instructions I posted in my previous post, I could be in a hub of your choice on Sunday 9pm EST
Fawk man, I cant make it tonite. Sorry about the inconvinience... Id like another meeting if you dont mind. I REALLY REALLY want this album, you have no idea... Anyway, if thats possible, thanks.

Tomasz said:
once again, if you want those mp3s follow the instructions I posted in my previous post, I could be in a hub of your choice on Sunday 9pm EST