OFF TOPIC(?) - 2 basses in 1 band?


Natural Born Psycho
Feb 9, 2003
Germany / Thuringia
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The fact is that we have a guitarist in our band, who doesn't like his kind of instrument that much but basses better(we just gave her my bass for trying and she liked it). The prob is that this position is already occupied so we would experiment with 2 basses and one guitar(and a drum:loco: ). One tuned to b and the other with standart tuning. We would replace the rythm guitar she has to play with a bass.
Has somebody here any experiences(advices) with such a constellation and would it be worth trying it?
(don't know if the question is formed right)
I ask cuz this guitarist(?) would have to buy her instrument of choice, so its a financial matter and that all for a band that is currently writing their first demo...
It's possible to do but it will change your sound alot. I have heard many works that have 2 and even 3 basses and one lead guitar, but none so far in the metal scene. As for me, since I am a bassist I'd probably enjoy this new direction the band would take.

Good luck with your decision.
If done sloppy, the sound would probably ble muddy as hell. If done right, I guess it would sound different, maybe even good ;)
i think its a good idea and seen it done before and it sounded good. but i think youd have to tune everything to the same tuning cause it sounds different and shit...
but this creates a new position in a band "hey what do you do in your band?" "oh i play lead bass" "lead bass???? wtf is that?" :D
I tried to start a band that was three basses and didn't go over well though. They insisted on having two guitars and one bass because it just didn't seem possible to them not to have guitars...too bad, it would have been so bad ass. Go for it, I hope it works out for you.
Two basses... nice really... tuning might add to it some special shade... but some of the concepts in metal music making should be reconcidered. Good Luck again...