I'll be doing an interview with Symphony X!


New Metal Member
Oct 11, 2002
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A friend of mine who works for a Norwegian webzine has arranged for me to get to do an upcoming interview with SYmphony X. I'm very excited to get to talk to the members of my favorite band!
The reason for this message, is that I want to hear what the fans want to learn about Symphony X. So, feel free to post your questions, I'll try to ask as many of them as possible, and post here when the interview is done!
hey man i gotta tell ya u your one lucky sob :heh:

i envy you :grin:

i got 2 questions ive always wanted to ask romeo

1st... while composing if by any chance he comes up with a bad riff...would he (1) fix it till it sounds better. or (2) completely forgets about it..

i just gotta know how the riffmaster thinks :p

2nd.. tell him that the solo in shades of grey is one of the most emotional, intense piece of music ever written by a human being just ask him WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING WHEN HE CAME UP WITH THIS SOLO..

thanks man.. im not askin for much :)
i gotta know the asnwers to those questions.

goodluck.. and make sure u post the interview
I would like to know which of the old songs used in the new songs?

For example The Edge of Forever is all over The Accolade II and i hear some Church of the Machine in Inferno. I also heard some similar solos from Of Sins and Shadows on another track (not quite sure which one)

Also is it to early to have an idea what the next Symphony X album will be about? Any ideas or will they cool it for a while and just tour?


Just 2 :D

1. Will Symphony X ever come to the UK and headline [perhaps in their forthcoming European tour]? I've GOTTA see these guys!

2. Does the band prefer going into the heavy riffing bits or the melodic softer stuff?

I'll post more if I think of any [my minds gone blank right now] :grin:
oh man i really gotta think about this my mind is blank right now:(

well the only one i can think about right now

Will Syx ever come to Puerto Rico (US)? i've been willing to see them around here:waah:

please bud if you can ask him that i would be very thankful:grin: (if you can't i understand:) )

I hope that this is for real:mad: :p
I hope Eternal Terror doesn`t mind me using his thread... but now it`s my turn to make int. with the band next week or the week after... if anybody has questions... feel free to post:)
Originally posted by Mocika
I hope Eternal Terror doesn`t mind me using his thread... but now it`s my turn to make int. with the band next week or the week after... if anybody has questions... feel free to post:)

Ask Russel about his favorite female vocalist (no pun intended)
Originally posted by Mocika
I hope Eternal Terror doesn`t mind me using his thread... but now it`s my turn to make int. with the band next week or the week after... if anybody has questions... feel free to post:)

Hehe, no problem...
- You are going to play in the States now, then early next year in Europe. What about the rest of the world?
- I'm sure we will get to Japan and South-America as well. Right now we are just trying to scedule the rest of the year, to put everything together for the next year.