i'll try this agin... IRC Chat Now Open

I like that place Will!!
I wish I could get on the chanel
I'm on my lesbian wife's Mac.I hate Mac computers (no disrespect WD) have i staighted Macs are shit (this thing crashes more than more then me with roffies in my beer)
- Macs suck more then a 59 cent hooker on Hastings
Vancouver Sucks as well.
Zombie hookers are alright on Hastings.ya grab a blade of grass from needle park,give her 3 smokes and she is smoking the dude with half a legs dick.
That is Christmas for the un-washed hobo peg-leg!
We're swimming in the poison!!
Willow is almost drowning!! hihi ;)
Weeeeeeeeeeeee :grin:

And a feast it was!!
See ya tomorrow guys..
i'm off to see Circle II Circle tonight!!
