Illegal P2P music sharing declined 17% in 2012

The article seems to confirm one thing pirates have long asserted; if you offer a legal service that provides better service or a better experience than pirating then pirating goes down. Aka, stop sucking at customer service if you want to fight piracy.
Illegal P2P music sharing declined 17% in 2012 as Internet users turn to free, legal streaming services.


Mmm, can of worms.

That's actually fascinating. I don't know about 2012, but I read an article about music business revenue increasing in 2011 for the first time in like, 7 years. I do suspect much of this (just like with the article you posted) has to do with streaming models.
Don't you think that the industry gets a bigger profit from the digital music than from the physical one?

Digital stuff - 9,90(around)
CD - 13,99(around)

do you think that printing, distributing, profit for the distribution chain costs less than 4 bucks?

You are absolutely correct. The digital retailer (itunes, etc) takes a 30% cut of all digital sales, but a physical sale not only loses a % cut to the physical distributor, but you factor in pressing and shipping. The profit margin is around $3 to a digital sale's $6 (give or take).
You are absolutely correct. The digital retailer (itunes, etc) takes a 30% cut of all digital sales, but a physical sale not only loses a % cut to the physical distributor, but you factor in pressing and shipping. The profit margin is around $3 to a digital sale's $6 (give or take).

They are loving the digital "revolution".