Illuminati is making its way into metal


Jun 15, 2010
Call me a conspiracy theorist, send out all the hate comments you want.
But doesn't it seem weird how artists continually claim to have "sold their soul to the open road?"

"It's not easy making a name for yourself
Where do you draw the line?
I never thought I'd be in this far
Let's have some fun and never change that for anyone
Try not to miss me when I'm gone"
- A Day To Remember

Eminem even talks about 'being in too far.'

Think Michael Jackson, think DMX, think Johnny from Attack Attack leaving to 'find God.'

I'm thinking very specifically about video. You don't have to watch it, and I'm not trying to force my views on anyone.

I find it rather coincidental now, with Craig Owens sporting an all seeing eye, The Devil Wears Prada's new album art with the upside down triangle, seemingly mocking the Illuminati. It's also curious how Jeremy from ADTR worked on the new album with them.
I Am Abomination with the all seeing eye in their album artwork, talking about UFOs and aliens and etc. (in IAA's case I believe they know about this and are not actually involved with the Illuminati, they are against it, just as TDWP could be against it from information that Jeremy from ADTR could've disclosed with them)

This stuff all seems too coincidental, and I think we're all ignoring it.
It's time that this topic arises here, where I can find some answers specifically from I Am Abomination. Nick Sampson, I am calling you out.

All I know is I'm going to try to make it as an independent artist. I never wanna sell my passion, my music, my heart, my soul, to the devil.

Fuck. That.
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Really. What do you think record labels do? What do you think the media does?
Do you think MJ really attacked and molested kids or do you think the media planted that there to destroy his image?
And why are his family members saying Michael knew he was going to be murdered?
Sense of humor appreciated.
But I made this topic so other can discuss it, not so you can be a dick about it.
No offense but it's hard to understand humor on the internet.
These videos are all over the place.
Let's have a serious discussion like mature adults about it shall we?
If your not trolling.....
I don't believe in the supernatural, the natural world is "super" enough for me. That being said, I could see if the "devil" existed how pop music would need to be subversive if under his control; but metal? Come on, that's the "devil's" home isn't it?
I'm not trolling. I'm actually finding it extremely difficult to have a serious discussion here.
I figured since we're all basically involved in the music industry that this would at least peak your interests.
Apparently not.
Basically I'm talking about the controlling powers of the music industry.
You sign a contract for a record company giving them rights to your music. This is basically selling your soul.
Why? You're forced to tour for years. Under legal contract they're eligible to tell you what to do.
What do you do? Work as an artist, a spotlight in the media, letting them portray you how they want.
They have their right to create your image.
It's not about your art anymore, it's about money.
Who owns money? The creators of it.
Who created money?
The Illuminati. Their symbols are all over it.

Make sense yet?