Illuminati is making its way into metal

Not a lot of "theories" make sense until they're proven.
And remember, lots of times a guy gets a lot of shit and ends up right.

Don't be so quick to judge! Do the research yourself and you might come across some interesting stuff.
I posted the source video for a reason after all.

even if you're remotely right, what are you going to do about it ?
Hopefully only troll internet message boards, 'couse we've had too much fanatics on an agenda lately. Or are you going to waste the rest of your life watching "signs" in popular media instead of just enjoying (some of) them

And this "source" you speak of is like some sick mind game indoctrination video that's supposed to scare you into believing all of this nonsense

And why am I even reasoning with this, you've obviously trolled me into writing all of this, I give up :/
Nobody else likes conspiracy videos, huh?
I wonder whyyyyyy, mwahahahah.

Listen I'm not unintelligent. The video intrigued me for a while, stuff like this interests me.
Apparently it doesn't interest you.

I've never "trolled" once in my life. I didn't know it was possible to "troll" without knowing it. I don't even know what trolling is.
Whatever it's not like anyone here will believe me. I've learned some AWESOME stuff having to do with producing, but I feel that nothing seems to get thru your heads here even when a claim as sincere as this one is being made. But you made me feel like I committed a crime I didn't know existed. What a way to treat other members in your community.
Sorry for "trolling."
The funniest thing about this is that I'm being portayed as this dude that knows all about top secret illuminatti shit haha
Really man, right now I'm farting in my living room, not having a meeting about the illuminatti. I believe in it, but I am not "involved". Nice imagination though!
The funniest thing about this is that I'm being portayed as this dude that knows all about top secret illuminatti shit haha
Really man, right now I'm farting in my living room, not having a meeting about the illuminatti. I believe in it, but I am not "involved". Nice imagination though!

I figured you knew about it and are against it, hence the hints of it in your band. Never said you were involved!
Thanks, first nice thing anyone's said about me in this thread.
Chryst Krispies is one of the Illuminati for sure. Either that or he is really a pumped up version of Conan O'brien.
Basically I'm talking about the controlling powers of the music industry.
You sign a contract for a record company giving them rights to your music. This is basically selling your soul.
Why? You're forced to tour for years. Under legal contract they're eligible to tell you what to do.
What do you do? Work as an artist, a spotlight in the media, letting them portray you how they want.
They have their right to create your image.
It's not about your art anymore, it's about money.
Who owns money? The creators of it.
Who created money?
The Illuminati. Their symbols are all over it.

Make sense yet?

Look man, I wasn't going to get into this, but let me give you a little insight.

If the illuminati (which I think is horseshit but that's a whole other story) were out to make money and control the media, they wouldn't give 2 shits about the music industry. Use this metaphor to rationalize it (maybe simile actually...)

Network News is the ocean
Film Industry is the great lakes
Tv is a creek
music industry is a puddle

That's both in terms of revenue generated and people reached. Music simply doesn't get to enough people to be a brainwashing tool. Do they (they being businesses) use it to sell merchandize, but they sure as shit aren't going to convince anyone of anything political/spiritual/other that they didn't already believe.

Another thing to consider is how dumb these people are. There was a time in my life when I was meeting and talking to some of the biggest names on major labels, and let me tell you....they are all dumb, and have no clue. In order for their to be some big fucking conspiracy where they are out to brainwash us all, it'd take someone with a shitload of hands on everything with artists/writers/producers/mixers/masterers/PR people etc etc etc.

There's no hidden message in music/music videos/lyrics except the concepts the artists (or writers) wrote themselves.

I don't mean to be a dick, but honestly man...this illuminati shit will ruin your life, cause if you want to you'll see it everywhere.
Another thing to consider is how dumb these people are. There was a time in my life when I was meeting and talking to some of the biggest names on major labels, and let me tell you....they are all dumb, and have no clue.

Never cease to be surprised at how often this is actually the case, across most industries, and especially politics.

Chryst Krispies is one of the Illuminati for sure. Either that or he is really a pumped up version of Conan O'brien.

The Illuminati are preparing for the arrival of Nibiru and the Annunaki, they are soliciting as many as they can into their ranks. All those that are trying to laugh at you are in on it. They control EVERYTHING, and if you do not wish to burn in hell forever you better watch out what kind of contracts you sign and what kind of things you agree to. They will lure you with fame and fortune. And then they will ensure you never get to see the pearly gates. You will be estranged from your family and other good God-fearing people, and will die in misery preparing you for the eternity you are about to face. I have seen countless lives ruined like this.
Nobody else likes conspiracy videos, huh?
I wonder whyyyyyy, mwahahahah.

Because they are made by delusional and paranoid people(SICK people.), and have no real value behind them.

Listen I'm not unintelligent. The video intrigued me for a while, stuff like this interests me.
Apparently it doesn't interest you.

You're doing a good job of hiding it.
I've talked to allot of people believing in the illuminati conspiracy(Some of my friends for instance.), and they have all been as dumb as a bag of hammers.. or they've just smoked to much weed for their own good.

I've never "trolled" once in my life. I didn't know it was possible to "troll" without knowing it. I don't even know what trolling is.
Whatever it's not like anyone here will believe me. I've learned some AWESOME stuff having to do with producing, but I feel that nothing seems to get thru your heads here even when a claim as sincere as this one is being made. But you made me feel like I committed a crime I didn't know existed. What a way to treat other members in your community.
Sorry for "trolling."

"a claim as sincere as this one is being made."

The claim that a group of people called the "illuminati" is controlling the world? The theory that was brought up by a bunch of paranoid people with schizophrenic tendencies living in their mothers basement?

Seriously, why is it that only absolute no-lifers know about illuminati, and where do they get their information from?

Use critical thinking, its a good thing.

And just to be a little bit nice: I have no doubt in that the Bildeberg group exists and that its up to no good. Skull & Bones purpose is without doubt to school future world leaders. If i eat allot of tacos i will pass allot of gas.

This! (I feel I've quoted this picture before in this forum)

Confirmation bias <-------- look it up, learn how it works. Apply to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy falls apart. They're just playing connect the paranoid dots.

Pro tip: The "super natural" does not exist.

Also, Damn Christians! :Spin:
. . . and yes. I very much enjoy conspiracy vids and nonsense related to it. Been enjoying it for over 20 years. It's not real, trust me. No, I'm not in the music business, this is just a hobby for me.