Illuminati is making its way into metal

this thread hurts to read.

alright so let's re-cap.

the Illuminati... a secret society that controls world super powers and has a variety of evil goals, ranging from instituting the new world order... to swallowing all human souls into a vortex of hellfire (or whatever the fuck)... communicating to us via fucking ADTR? and you've concluded this because they, a small insignificant touring band, wrote songs about being "on the road"?

surf on over to and have a look at josh woodard's peepee and tell me you think that dude is in any way connected with a secret society that supernaturally controls world events.
What you used to type and post this would have once been seen as super natural.
What now Mr. Smart guy?

This place is starting to look like the Misc.
Lol. So.... erm..what's your point? Your post doesn't make any sense to me at all. Is this supposed to prove there is such sing as the super natural?
So going from your argument, people used to see things as super natural. Yet, they turned out not to be supernatural at all.
Either you just destroyed your own "argument", then the post was equally stupid and redundant - or you have a very twisted way of logic and wanted to state something entirely different than I am assuming right now. But then why call him "Mr. Smart guy"? A bit of context or explanation of what you're trying to imply would be helpful. :err:
Saying things like "supernatural doesn't exist" is like saying "things not yet discovered by science don't exist"... obviously that is a false statement.

True statement: Supernatural may or may not exist.
^Technically yes. I'm still 100% certain the supernatural does not exist.

The funny part is, if it where to be discovered for some ass backwards reason, it would no longer be considered "Super", it would become natural. Wouldn't it? ;)
Ive got a giant All Seeing Eye tattooed on my stomach........i guess i secretly must be with the Illuminati and i meet in local secret locations weekly and conspire against the world and long for the world to be in a New State of supreme order................................

In all honesty, i just thought, Egypt is fucking cool, Aliens are cool, they are somehow definitely related........lets get a tattoo.

Stop looking so far into things.

Im guessing you smoke a lot of weed?
This thread is full of suck.

That is not to say some of you arent funny for dropping deuces on it, however. Otherwise. IT ARE TEH SUCK!