I'm baaaack!!

Beware the In Flames board.........beeeeeeeewaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeee

Final_VisionL: Waving his arms as to scare Everlost but knows its futile as he knows Everlost isnt psycic and he apparently cant see people in his computer screen like I can.......
@Rahvin: Answering your doubts, PapiMelon did a joke using your short name "Rahve" that is similar to "rabo" in its spanish pronunciation. Nah, "rabo" means "pilila" in spanish. I'm sure you know the universal meaning of "pilila", don't you?
I think I know what rabo is *blush* :o

As for pilila, we have a similar word here, "pipila", which is the rubber thing we put in babys' mouths in order for them not to cry :p
@rahvin: wow!!!!! renewing your pilila !!!! I have to try that....it must be painful!!! well at least the surgery must be scary enough for not to feel the pain!!! ;)

@siren: well it would be really nasty to use our pililas in the way you use your pipilas!!!!!!!!!!! (i'm kinda insane :p)

@|ngenius.....don't confuss the ones I've already confussed...that confusses me! :D
you know....|ngenius and I just can come up with filthy words!!!!!
it all came to a little joke, make "rahve" sound as "rabo" which is how we call male anymals errmmm you know, what makes them actualy male :rolleyes:
now the joke was followed to name pilila....which is the same stuff but much tender....
it's the first way for a baby to say that he's a male, because he has pilila (ooooh tendy boyz, shame they grow older ;) )
rabo?? pilila?? (never heard that before but i got what it means) i curse the day i started to understand spanish! :s
the only words in spanish this people will learn will be dirty words :heh:
@astarte: No, they will learn amazing words in spanish.

@ Excuse me, Maese Rahvin, it's so unpolite to make private jokes that only the Great Melon will understand.

@Siren: To look as an innocent girl is the best way to take advantage over your opponents.
Originally posted by FatherVic

it's the first way for a baby to say that he's a male, because he has pilila (ooooh tendy boyz, shame they grow older ;) )

erm.......im not going to even comment on this disturbing message.......;)

See, Siren posted that pic of herself so well all think shes just some very innocent and quiet girl, but when we least expect it WHAM! Than you know what happens.........were all either dead or working at Quick-E-Mart in Brazil............Thanks for warning us |ngenious!
:mad: :mad: :mad: So much for my cover... :rolleyes:

But what is Quick-E-Mart? Give me some more ideas as to what to do with you guys :muahaha:

On second thoughts.. you are not really my opponents, are you? ;)
there are no Quick-E-Marts in Brazil, the original one is placed in Springfiled and it's Apu who owns it!!!!!! (hurricane chow rulz XD)

and siren, I guess Final_Vision deserves some sever punishing, he stucked the batteries the wrong way on a digital camera....we're not talking of a crappy walkman, an ordinary toy or some sexual pervertion, we ARE talking of a digital camera which won't work because it's owner is plainly as useless as a broken chair!!!! :p

fathervic (still hating the fact that he does not own one *envy*)
HA! But I fixed it! So stick that in your pipe and smoke it mr "I wish little boys wouldnt grow up" :grin:

Final_Vision: Who still cant see his god damn new avatar
Originally posted by FatherVic
there are no Quick-E-Marts in Brazil, the original one is placed in Springfiled and it's Apu who owns it!!!!!! (hurricane chow rulz XD)

and siren, I guess Final_Vision deserves some sever punishing, he stucked the batteries the wrong way on a digital camera....we're not talking of a crappy walkman, an ordinary toy or some sexual pervertion, we ARE talking of a digital camera which won't work because it's owner is plainly as useless as a broken chair!!!! :p

Well, I still don't get what Quick-E-Marts are!

And, mister papi, why do you address to me for punishment..? :rolleyes:

Anywayz, I'd like a digital camera too and I think what he did is a crime whatsoever. So, any suggestions for the punishment? :heh: