I'm back (For all of those vetrans that know my annyoning tone)


IE homelander
Sep 9, 2005
Grande Praries
:wave: Hi there! It's little old pyro, except I've grown like...a year atleast I think by now. :Spin: Weeeee Just wondering if there was anyone on this forum that was from WAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back, when IE was just more a local Regina band, I blame the fact that our metal scene is dying all on TIMMY YOU MAN WHORE....ahem sorry timmy...I love you...and so does kristie...or fire pixie, whichever you prefer. Anyhoo, just a shout of to Timmy and the band, and to anyone that remembers me...and anyone that doesn't. Yup. :Spin:
AMIE!!!!!!!!!!! You finally came back!....Well not necessarily came back but you started posting on the new forum!

Welcome Back Chicky... I'll give you a call tonight. Toronto is lonely place when you don't know a lot of people. *sniff*
Yup It sure has,..,, I heard that Oepth, Nevermore and Into Eternity were touring together from Ray...he totally wishes he could go....and Kristie..whendid you call me? I got no calls! NO ONE TELLS ME NOTHING!...damn them all...call me tonight if you can maybe...hey? MEW! Love you kristie...
Yeah, I was going to call that night but then my mom called me and then I got tired and forgot so I just went to bed. I'll call you tonight hopefully!

You and Ray should come to Buffalo with me to see that show. We could all have a slumber party on a king sized bed again hahaha.