I'm BACK!!!

And you didn't even know I was gone, did you??? ;)

I had trouble while installing a brandy-new GeForce 4 card on Friday, and have been offline until today. For some reason, when I installed the graphics card, Windows XP decided to quit using my Ethernet card. :confused: Then, it wouldn't accept drivers for it no matter what I'd do.

Long story short, I ended up purchasing a new Ethernet card, installing it, and reconfiguring my cable modem. It might actually be running faster! It seems so, but time will tell.

Anyway, sorry I missed the football picks for this week and any other posts. Excuse me while I catch up! :)

Hope everyone's having a nice holiday season! Cheers! :rock:

Welcome back, EC. I'm back, too.

I'm patiently waiting for progress on the Metallica tune we've begun, and I have some other recording to do to tide me over until that's ready to work on.
I'll also get around to recording on the Guitarists' Mini Challenge soon.

Happy new year to everyone, too.