I'm going to be in SF in July!


actually, i just thought i'd pop in to the nevermore board. Then all of the sudden A BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! HO!!! we go back like 5 years now dude, that's nuts. Anyway, it's 4 am and my face hurts from having my wisdom teeth removed. good night BARONVONSHREDI
Karen, you're gonna love it. This is seriously, a FOOD city, we have some of the best food in any style cuisine in the world. All on the same block, in some cases ;)

SF is pretty much a European city that somehow ended up in America. No one gets it, but no one questions it, cause it rules just that much :cool:

If you need a place to stay, or want some SF tourage, shoot me a PM
Brooks said:
Karen, you're gonna love it. This is seriously, a FOOD city, we have some of the best food in any style cuisine in the world. All on the same block, in some cases ;)

SF is pretty much a European city that somehow ended up in America. No one gets it, but no one questions it, cause it rules just that much :cool:

If you need a place to stay, or want some SF tourage, shoot me a PM

Brooks you're so sweet! thank you for the great offer!
I'm going to stay with a good friend of mine, and since I'm coming for a short weekend, I'l lspend some quality time with him :)
I'll definitely have a beer with you at the Benefit concert!