July is tooo far away!!!

Apr 25, 2005
Nashua, NH
I can not wait until July. TGE is going to be the best metal album of the year hands down. I just bought the remix of EOR and have listened to it over, and over, and over, and over again.
Nevermore is by far the best metal band in the scene, and I am confident beyond any doubt that this will be one of thier best albums......they will be tripping the hammer again!!! :rock:
I just got the EoR remix at the Maryland Death Fest
I'm speechless, and the only reason I'm not saying anything about it
is because everyone else has already said everything I feel about this remix.
wow fuckin' wow!
Seventh Rising said:
I know it's been leaked, but I hope it doesn't affect sales. A band like Nevermore relies on sales, and touring to live. It's also affects thier soundscan rating, and that has numerous negative affects.

Leaks effect everyone's sales in music, its pretty unfortunate that theres not really anything that can be done to stop it but as long as there's the internet, it'll just keep happening.
From what I've seen I think Nevermore are a band lucky enough to attract a certain kind of audience, usually the kind who are devoted and willing to go out and buy the CDs. For example I haven't seen anyone on this board refusing to go buy TGE yet.
TheDreamingMind said:
From what I've seen I think Nevermore are a band lucky enough to attract a certain kind of audience, usually the kind who are devoted and willing to go out and buy the CDs. For example I haven't seen anyone on this board refusing to go buy TGE yet.

This is true, most people I know will not only buy it but will buy it multiple times.
DreamNeonBlack said:
This is true, most people I know will not only buy it but will buy it multiple times.

I bought EOR twice, and will have to replace both my ST and DNB due to severely cracked cases (came that way),wear and tear...plus missing liner notes for DNB.

I can't say with certaintly that I will buy TGE twice, but given what I've already said...it sounds like it'll happen!