I'm going to be in Stockholm for 3 weeks...

Stilgar said:
Miksi sanot että kaikki ruotsalaiset ovat semmoisia? Minä vaan halvoin auttaa. :p

Anteeksi jos suomen kieleni ej ole niin hyvä. Isäni on suomalainen, niin minä ymmärrän soumea. Mutta oli kauan sitten kun puhujn paljon suomea, niin olen unohtanut aika paljon.

Älä turhaan loukkaannu näistä jutuista. Eikä viestini ollut edes tarkoitettu sinulle vaan nimimerkille Paradoxile. Hän halusi pari kuukautta sitten tietää miten sanotaan suomeksi että ruotsalaiset ovat homoja, ja minähän kerroin.
Nyt kun näin saman tyypin kirjoittaneen tähän threadiin niin päätin vähän muistuttaa vanhoista jutuista.

Ehkä muuten tiedät, että suomalaisten kertomissa vitseissä ruotsalaiset ovat aina homoja. Monessa vitseissä esiintyy henkilö nimeltä Håkan tai Göran.
Yksi vitsi menee siten että Håkan meni ottamaan tatuointia kikkeliinsä ja pyysi laittamaan kuvaksi traktorin. Sen pitää sitten olla neliveto, sanoi Håkan tatuointimestarille. No, miksi ihmeessä, vastasi mestari. No siksi että se kulkee paremmin paskassa, sanoi Håkan.
omg, everyone knows that Gothenburg is the metaltown of sweden ;)
well, opeth is from stockholm, but besides that, hehe.

anyway, hope you enjoy your visit here.
Just talk english, everyone will understand you :)
@=NoBigDeal=@ said:
Älä turhaan loukkaannu näistä jutuista. Eikä viestini ollut edes tarkoitettu sinulle vaan nimimerkille Paradoxile. Hän halusi pari kuukautta sitten tietää miten sanotaan suomeksi että ruotsalaiset ovat homoja, ja minähän kerroin.
Nyt kun näin saman tyypin kirjoittaneen tähän threadiin niin päätin vähän muistuttaa vanhoista jutuista.
Ahh... Ymmärrän.
@=NoBigDeal=@ said:
Ehkä muuten tiedät, että suomalaisten kertomissa vitseissä ruotsalaiset ovat aina homoja. Monessa vitseissä esiintyy henkilö nimeltä Håkan tai Göran.
En tietänyt ennemmin. En ole ollut suomessa moneen vuoteen. :erk: Nyt ymmärrän entiset viestit. :)
@=NoBigDeal=@ said:
Yksi vitsi menee siten että Håkan meni ottamaan tatuointia kikkeliinsä ja pyysi laittamaan kuvaksi traktorin. Sen pitää sitten olla neliveto, sanoi Håkan tatuointimestarille. No, miksi ihmeessä, vastasi mestari. No siksi että se kulkee paremmin paskassa, sanoi Håkan.
Stilgar said:
Yeah. You can walk around. Here's a map:

Click here for map

Skansen (where you have to pay) is, as you can see on the map if you zoom in on the bulls-eye, surrounded with normal roads. You can zoom out, zoom in and pan around on the map in the link above. You can also search for different addresses and places if you wish. Unfortunatelly, it's only in swedish, but most things shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Will you have access to the internet while in Stockholm?

EDIT: Another map-service, in english, can be found on stockholmtown.com. It's not as user friendly though. Click here to check it out.

oh yeah, now i see, thanks again man :)

as for internet, i'm not sure... i'm going to need to get on the net at least once to pay some bills, but i think probably more than that so i can book hostels ahead of time.

but anyway, djurgården looks like somewhere i'll be spending alot of time :) is it a popular hang out spot for younger people at all, or is it mostly old people with their kids, or tourists? my friend and I are going to be trying to meet as many people as we can while we're over there
oh and what about coffee shops? i hear there's supposed to be quite a few good ones in the area. i personally don't touch the stuff, but my friend that i'm going there with would get it in an IV and pump it into his veins if it came that way :)
Feicht said:
oh yeah, now i see, thanks again man :)

as for internet, i'm not sure... i'm going to need to get on the net at least once to pay some bills, but i think probably more than that so i can book hostels ahead of time.
Hmm... Ok. I'll pm you my work phone # in case you want help finding something. I wouldn't mind taking a longer lunch break to go to Sound Pollution or Mellotronen or something. ;)
Feicht said:
but anyway, djurgården looks like somewhere i'll be spending alot of time :) is it a popular hang out spot for younger people at all, or is it mostly old people with their kids, or tourists? my friend and I are going to be trying to meet as many people as we can while we're over there
People of all ages go there.
Feicht said:
oh and what about coffee shops? i hear there's supposed to be quite a few good ones in the area. i personally don't touch the stuff, but my friend that i'm going there with would get it in an IV and pump it into his veins if it came that way :)
I only drink a couple of cups of coffee per year nowdays, so I don't know where the good places are myself. But they sell coffee everywhere, so don't worry about not finding any. I hope your friend knows the coffee in Sweden is MUCH stronger than the coffee served in the US. The first time I tried coffee in the US, I was like "Damn! I didn't ask for tea... Weak tea at that." ;)
if you stay in a hostel you are going to meet HEAPS of people, no doubt about that. only problem is that they might not all be swedish, hehe. have you booked the hostel yet? i would recommend 'city backpackers' - it was pretty awesome there, and half the girls in my room were actually from sweden so there you go.

i'd say that stilgar is your best point of contact, but honestly you will find out about everything thats there and what you wanna see when you actually get there... :)

if you go to http://www.metaltravelguide.com/php/land.php?landid=62 its got a really good list of metal venues in stockholm too. definately check that out.

so jealous of you, wish i was heading to stockholm!! i'll get back there again one day i hope...
Stilgar said:
Hmm... Ok. I'll pm you my work phone # in case you want help finding something. I wouldn't mind taking a longer lunch break to go to Sound Pollution or Mellotronen or something. ;)

People of all ages go there.

I only drink a couple of cups of coffee per year nowdays, so I don't know where the good places are myself. But they sell coffee everywhere, so don't worry about not finding any. I hope your friend knows the coffee in Sweden is MUCH stronger than the coffee served in the US. The first time I tried coffee in the US, I was like "Damn! I didn't ask for tea... Weak tea at that." ;)

haha okay, i'll let him know :D

@ blackwaterpark_: yeah i figured hostels would do that for ya :) and as they are really designed for travellers, i wasn't expecting to meet many stockholmers there anyway :D i'll check out city backpackers though, ive heard good things about it.

thanks again guys \m/
damn, i've been looking to see if any (bigger) bands will be playing in the area while i'm there, but it looks like i JUST miss everything.. haha
Feicht said:
damn, i've been looking to see if any (bigger) bands will be playing in the area while i'm there, but it looks like i JUST miss everything.. haha

No, 2 really good bands are playing June 3. Darkane and Scar Symmetry. (Stockholm)

Don`t miss. :)
Deadlift said:
No, 2 really good bands are playing June 3. Darkane and Scar Symmetry. (Stockholm)

Don`t miss. :)

well i was thinking more along the lines of dark tranquillity or opeth, but yeah... :D
Ya :), wish I was going. Any reason you're only staying in one city? I mean there's a ton of stuff to explore there.
well i'm sure we'll go a few other places... but well... it's sort of hard to plan things with other people...... plus, i'm kinda thinking of looking into going to school there, and i'd like to get a good feel for the place :)