I'm gonna meet Symphony X tommorow!!


New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2011
Hello everybody! As some of you may propably already know, Symphony X are visiting Greece tomorrow for their last concert of the European tour. A greek site held a contest and two competitors would meet and greet Symphony X a couple of hours before the show. I happened to be one of them! I'm so excited and also kinda nervous at the same time, has anybody else met them and know what to expect? It will be a great experience for sure! :grin:
I've had the chance to speak with Lepond every time I've seen the band and he's very nice as well. He basically rolls around the main areas and I am not sure people even recognize who he is unfortunately. The only ones I have not met are Romeo and Pinella. Never seen Romeo out and about with the fans and I'm not even sure Pinella exists at this point. For all I know, he could just be a robot they use during shows and interviews that does rediculous stuff on the keyboard :p
Just came back from the concert and it was effin awesome! They even played the Oddysey, which was kinda unexpected considering the setlist on the tour so far! I hadn't much time to speak with them as there were approximately 8 winners and we all had to get our share in a small amount of time. I have one more question though, one of the guys that signed me an autograph wrote "milk", "eggs", with a tick on them... I wasn't really paying attention when they were signing so I didn't see who wrote it. I just found it pretty random, funny and cool and was just wondering who it was :P Any ideas on the matter?
Just came back from the concert and it was effin awesome! They even played the Oddysey, which was kinda unexpected considering the setlist on the tour so far! I hadn't much time to speak with them as there were approximately 8 winners and we all had to get our share in a small amount of time. I have one more question though, one of the guys that signed me an autograph wrote "milk", "eggs", with a tick on them... I wasn't really paying attention when they were signing so I didn't see who wrote it. I just found it pretty random, funny and cool and was just wondering who it was :P Any ideas on the matter?

Woow,,! They played Odyssey song,,! cool,,! :rock:
They even played the Oddysey, which was kinda unexpected considering the setlist on the tour so far!

You are very lucky; they haven't played that yet on this leg of the tour!

Just talk to Russell about the Oakland Raiders and NASCAR.


But that's not all! EyeballKid: "So, Russ, just one question: Scorpion or Sub-Zero?"

Russ: "Oh, Scorpion, man. Get over here!"
You are very lucky; they haven't played that yet on this leg of the tour!


But that's not all! EyeballKid: "So, Russ, just one question: Scorpion or Sub-Zero?"

Russ: "Oh, Scorpion, man. Get over here!"

Yeah I know, I had a feeling that they would play the Odyssey actually as it was their first ever visit to Greece, and as they said themselves, Greece is a huge inspiration for their work so I knew they wouldn't just ignore it! ;)

As a Cardinals fan I told Russel that the Raiders won't make the playoffs this year and he said that we gonna see about that while Romeo was laughing. Then he went on to tell me that we should've won the Super Bowl against the Steelers and I told him that the refs robbed us, and he owned me saying "No, your defense robbed you" :P

They were so damn awesome!
Met all of them except Pinella who im sure is nice but is deffinately the least out going. Russ is a 7 foot tall comedian and Romeo is very laid back. I remember one kid going up to him saying something like "Yo man i heard Yngwie is an asshole, you should kick his head in or something." Even though me and a friend shouted out how this punk just insulted our hero's hero, he took it pretty well.
Romeo is very laid back. I remember one kid going up to him saying something like "Yo man i heard Yngwie is an asshole, you should kick his head in or something." Even though me and a friend shouted out how this punk just insulted our hero's hero, he took it pretty well.

While MJR may love and respect the music Yngwie has given us, I'm sure he would understand why someone would think he (as a person) is a douche bag.
^ Maybe this is just me, but the Yngwie bashing is really getting old. Not that I care that much about his personality, but the few people whom I know have met him in person all say he was pretty cool. They say he's always happy to stop and chat and take pictures or whatever. I mean, other than his love for showmanship (which is not necessarily "wrong" considering that people like Hendrix were into that too) and a few weird things (like how he insists the scalloped neck thing was his idea when clearly he got it from Richie Blackmore), I don't see any reason to consider him a douchebag in person unless you saw him act like one.
According to Romeo he is a cool dude. There may have just been 2 or 3 stories ive heard that say different, but they can happen to anyone who is in a bad mood and/or drunk. All of them hilarious:

1. The infamous "Unleash the fooking fury."

2. Some kid wanted Yngwie to sign an Ibanez and he wrote down "Play Fender."