You know You're a Symphony X fan when.....

YKYASXFWhen... your driving home listening to SX and you pass your house because you need to drive around for atleast another 8 more minutes to finish the song... being every song is so deliciously good on the cd pending what track you had on if it was before say track 5 this could make your journy home from CVS around the block just to play lotto into an hour road trip, and if you have more then one SX cd in line of sight... you just might have to gas up at $3.50 a gallon just to listen to more SX (which seems more practicle to do then to gas up to go to work... if im listening to SX i make sure i have plenty of gas. If im going to work the gas light could be punching me in the face and i wouldnt care). Then to the computer and check the SX message boards listening to some more SX :rock: Its a vicious cylce really :rock:
M3talManiac said:
YKYASXFWhen... your driving home listening to SX and you pass your house because you need to drive around for atleast another 8 more minutes to finish the song... being every song is so deliciously good on the cd pending what track you had on if it was before say track 5 this could make your journy home from CVS around the block just to play lotto into an hour road trip, and if you have more then one SX cd in line of sight... you just might have to gas up at $3.50 a gallon just to listen to more SX (which seems more practicle to do then to gas up to go to work... if im listening to SX i make sure i have plenty of gas. If im going to work the gas light could be punching me in the face and i wouldnt care). Then to the computer and check the SX message boards listening to some more SX :rock: Its a vicious cylce really :rock:

YES!!! I do that, lol. Though most of the time I dont drive around..... I just turn the car off and waste the battery instead.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
You know you're a Symphony X fan when you bring all of their albums, including fan club cd's, the live album, and the Prelude To Millenium CD with you everywhere in their original jewel cases.

I'll see that and raise you ripping the originals and then burning copies to keep in the truck so that the originals almost never have to leave their cases. :P
:rolleyes: You know your a Symphony X fan when you can air guitar the solos but still unsure of a section at 3:34 in the song so u change to air drums till you find your way back into the song:erk:
when you tell a pathalogical lier that they are masquerading in a sea of lies

when you here the mention of anything even remotely resembling a SX song you run the entire song through your head and never miss a beat
You know you're a Symphony X fan when you've written a 50 page dissertation with song citations on why John Petrucci is inferior to MJR.

When you book a flight to travel to the Guitar Center in New Jersey because you've found a story-line connecting Twilight Over Olympus, The Damnation Game, and The Odyssey, which also outlines a terrorist plot to assassinate Symphony X one by one, starting with Mike Pinella.
Montu Sekhmet said:
you know you are a symphony x fan when you know all of the members names, gear, first peice of gear, musical influences, biography, jobs, past jobs, and all possible back ground information you can find.

you know you are actually a symphony x fan when you would rather spend too much time listening to their music to have any left over to waste memorizing useless information like what kind of gear mom and dad bought them when they were 12 years old...
M3talManiac said:
YKYASXFWhen... your driving home listening to SX and you pass your house because you need to drive around for atleast another 8 more minutes to finish the song...

haha i do that!
you know you're a sx fan when you try to make your a girlfriend (who's into robbie williams) understand the pure genius involved in 1 over 3 drumming and force her to listen to whole odyssey album going on about how incredible these musicians are and snap at her to shutup when she tries to speak and then get angry at her for not understanding how good they are.
post human fret defiler said:
you know you're a sx fan when you try to make your a girlfriend (who's into robbie williams) understand the pure genius involved in 1 over 3 drumming and force her to listen to whole odyssey album going on about how incredible these musicians are and snap at her to shutup when she tries to speak and then get angry at her for not understanding how good they are.
...That's just kind of mean.