I'm hot for the Doomsday Machine teacher.

i knew you would like that :Smug:

and indeed... its one of those pictures with makes every girlfriend you prolly ever had look realy ugly!! :loco:

and i saw them live (also waldrock... she.. not the band.. was fucking awesome!!) and did monitor mix for them and i can't say she just as pretty in real live... and pretty nice too... allthough she has a quit..whats the word... "posh" accent or so...
Fabbio said:

THERE you won't find any spain natural blonde.
Wrong place for this.

Come here in good ol' Italy! You'll see!

That is SO untrue. The celts lived all over the northern half of spain for most of the roman occupation and for centuries before that. After the roman occupation, the barbarian tribes from areas of germany occupied the entire country and created, together with the celts, the iberos and the moores, the basis of our ancestory. There are LOADS of blondes in Spain. It's sort of a 30% blonde population. Specially if you stay around the north. Also, mind you, lots of the berebere tribes that occupied spain during the 7th to 16th century were fair skinned, pale eyed and blonde haired. So there you go.
Besides, I've been all over the place (my family is from Australia and I've travelled a lot throughout Europe) and I've NEVER seen the quality of wimen there is in Spain. I love my country (or at least it's wimen). And yes: plenty of brunettes here. God damn sexy ones at that.
I've always heard good things about like, Hungary and The Czech Republic, actually... so, that's where Ill be.

Seizure. said:
hell yeah, now thats a uber gorgeous redhead!!! i did monitor mix for her once!! :hotjump: :grin: :blush:



This chick is never ever a "real" readhed. Look at the hairline. She is coloured. :tickled:
Frank'nfurter said:
This chick is never ever a "real" readhed. Look at the hairline. She is coloured. :tickled:

true.. i had a girlfriend who was at school with her (she's still only 18 orso..) and she actually a high blond :loco: :hotjump: but i don't care one bit while looking at this pic!!!