I'm Issuing A Warning.

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
It has come to my attention that negative rep points have been
handed out lately and been signed "ON" ...as in Officer Nice.

As of late, I have not handed out *ANY* Negative reps to anyone on
The Testament Legions board. NOBODY.

Stealing any board members name and mine and using it to frame me or
hide from being upfront about negative reps is _FUCK_ING_BULL_SHIT_!!!_

It really burns my hide that some gutless cocksucker is using my name.


You should know that I always have signed most of my reps as "OfficerNice"
but my nickname is 2 words now "Officer Nice" and since I know someone is signing neg reps with "ON" I will be using a different signature and Iwill PM
you to know my reps are legitimate.

I am not going to issue any reps at all to anyone for the time being, until
further notice or until I find the sissy faggot who is perpetrating my identity

If you have received any reps from me within the last, I dunno, 2 weeks
please PM me....I want to know how long this has been going on.
Larf03 said:
That sure sux...

I don't know why but bad reps have become a trend nowadays...
Bad reps are one thing. I've gotten 5 neg reps from this board in the last
2 weeks which is more than I've gotten from the board in 3 months
but some maggot is using my name to hand out neg reps and that's
bullshit. fucking bullshit.

Exodus' Blacklist pretty much says it all for me....

There is no mystery, what you get is what you see
You betrayed my loyalty
You gone and done me wrong, now I'll do you harm
My revenge is guaranteed

You stabbed me in the back, spit right in my eye
Driving me into the mud
Take you out, write you up, there's never enough
Ways to throw you away

You better start running coz you know that I'm coming
Cocked and loaded and I'll never miss
I'm onto your game and I'm laying the blame
And I'm adding your name to my blacklist

You should have thought twice coz you're playing with your life
You must have some sort of death wish
I haven't any doubt that your time's running out
Coz I've added your name to my blacklist

You tried to beat me, thought that you could defeat me
But how were you ever wrong
I rise to the occasion, character assassination
To put you down where you belong

You've got a lot to say when I'm so far away
Now you got a problem with me
Take you out, write you up when I've had enough
Of your verbal outrage

You better start running coz you know that I'm coming
Cocked and loaded I'll never miss
I'm onto your game and I'm laying the blame
And I'm adding your name to my blacklist

You should have though twice coz you're playing with your life
You must have some sort of death wish
I haven't any doubt that your time's running out
Coz I've added your name to my blacklist

For all the shit you talk you never walk the walk
All you do is run and hide
Slander me and slag me, you'd better body bag me
I'm not a man you should deride

I've heard everything, all your mudslinging
You better run as fast as you can
Take you out, write you up, are you brave enough
To stand up and fight like a man

You better start running coz you know that I'm coming
Cocked and loaded I'll never miss
I'm onto your game and I'm laying the blame
And I'm adding your name to my blacklist

You should have thought twice coz you're playing with your life
You must have some sort of death wish
I haven't any doubt that your time's running out
Coz I've added your name to my blacklist
Well, best way to prove it's not you leaving them, is to give the people who recieved negs from you immediately. If you can't give them, then they're probably yours. :lol:

People take rep WAY too seriously though. I never hand it out anymore, unless something is that good or that badly deserving of it... I always sign it when it's bad.
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Maharet said:
well i got one and i thought it was from you geniunely since you dont seem to like me..:p
but if it aint, that means i wont eat your soul...:p
1. I did rep you. I signed them and as "OfficerNice" I believe.

2. Those were positive reps. Look more closely.

3. My reps to people have nothing to do with like or dislike.

4. I never said I hated you. I don't.

5. I attack opinions, not people. I've never attacked anyone's person
or their life or their lifestyle on this board.

You can't eat my soul Jamie. I'm more powerful than you and I'm much
higher up on pecking order than you are. Sorry. :p

Love Ya!
Dead_Lioness said:
2 days ago.

"you're an idiot. always thought so - ON "

That was absolutely, doubtlessly, positively, unequivocally, unquestionably
*_NOT_* me. sigh.

I apologize for any confusion that may have caused you.
I really do.

I must be a celebrity now because I have a stalker who's slandering me
because he's jealous of me and he's lashing out at me because of his
own gross insecurities. I almost feel sorry for people like that, but I don't.
The saYer said:
someone stole your name?, how did that happen?
I mentioned that already. Read my first post.

or is it just that you said some things that you shouldn't have and now regret it? :D
People who know post on this board that know me in real life know that I would
not go to such bullshit immature efforts. I may be a post whore but I can
earn a name and rep for making and challenging opinions on a legitimate
level. I don't need go around making up stuff like this.

I brought this to the board and put it out in the open to expose it and
hopefully eliminate it. I care about being falsely slandered to the other
regulars on this board.
Razorhead95 said:
The one I got from this Evil Offer Nice mimic said
"Crap! - On"

Maybe when you catch this guy you'll "Crap!" "ON" him.
You got one too? He's such a sorry little ghoul isn't he? So sad, really
he hides behind his computer to retaliate against me because he's a
weak little eunich.

I'll positive rep you to make up for it.
Maharet said:
No you are not....sorry to dissappoint you....

I came before you and if you check your hierarchy, and look where the
Cherubim are, You'll see that I am indeed much more old school and
powerful and more divine than you are. It's ok. You can still love me.
Everyone else does.
I've heard rumblings that there's been problems with the rep system

for a while and I talked to Mark this morning before he disabled it

and what he told me is basically what he posted. I don't mind the

rep system being gone.

Now I won't have jealous insecure punk stalkers trying to annoy me
and the regulars on the board. :)
Officer Nice said:
Now I won't have jealous insecure punk stalkers trying to annoy me
and the regulars on the board. :)

Yeah, DE wouldn't want competition...:p

You and DE actually gave me good reps before, so I won't say nothin else!! Sounds like you're with me, ON, just a couple of metalheads looking for a way out of doing any real work today...:headbang:

NP -- Halford -- Crucible