Alright, jumping off the "jocks and metal" thread, here's my dilemma - I've been lifting weights regularly for the past ~3 years now, and I fucking bust my ass in the gym like you wouldn't believe - seriously, low reps, lifting until complete rep failure, borderline shitting my intestines out (not really, but you know), and I just can't put on any sizable mass.
Sounds like overtraining...
My current routine is:
Monday: Back/biceps
Wednesday: Chest/Delts/Tris
Friday: Quads/Hams/Abs (fuck calves, too much effort
Don't change anything here.
And every week I do a different excercise for each muscle group, varying on a 4 week cycle (so for chest, for example, week 1 dumbbell presses, week 2 flyes, week 3 incline, week 4 bench), and like I said, I do 4 sets of reps, starting semi-light with 6 reps as a warm up, then upping the weight for each set (so with the dumbbell chest presses, 6x@35 lbs. per hand, then 5x 40, another 5x 40, and then 4x 45). This may not seem like much weight, but I'm telling you, I give it my absolute all to make that amount of reps, and if I find I can do more, then I up the weight.
Hmm many different theories...
I don't agree with doing different exercises every week - your nervous system has to learn the movement to be good at doing it (so called muscle memory).
Stay away from dumbbells and limit machine use as much as possible.
Barbell is your friend.
So really, I kinda feel like genetically my body type is that of a pretty skinny dude with not much muscle definition, and no amount of exercise is gonna drastically change that (pics in my myspace in my sig, and note the dates of them in the captions, cuz I have improved a bit over the years
). However, I'm open to suggestions!
Don't worry
You may be an ectomorph but everyone CAN put on muscle.
And, I eat A LOT, good god - I've tried the protein powders (I still take 'em), the high-calorie protein powders, and just eating a fuckload of protein/calories in general, and I find all it really does is just add a bit more fat, not much more muscle. So...suggestions? (Tony? You're the one going to college for this crap after all
LOL @ "eating a lot".
I heard it soooo many times just to later see some laughably low amounts of food that stuffs the guy who said "a lot".
If you are not growing even though you train like a madman it means that you are overtraining.
Overtraining is training (damaging muscle) more than you can repair by a good rest and good diet.
Train less
Do nothing, sleep, rest more
Eat more protein and calories
Human body is all about biochemistry, it works the same way for everyone.
So to grow you have to not destroy it as often and supply more materials than enough to just repair it.
About training less:
Example chest training workout:
Do a quick warm up with no weight.
Ok warm up is very important but you can kinda substitute a full warm up by taking a 15 minute hot bath before the workout so your muscles are already and literally warm before you start moving them with that quick warm up.
After the warm up do few nervous system kickstarting sets with
1 rep each.
Now do the 1 rep max set.
Then few (3 to 5) 3 rep sets at about 60% to 80% of 1 rep max and finish with 1 set of about 40% 1rm as many reps as you can.
1 movement type.
Flat bench barbell press.
Now few sets for triceps and you are done.
(I can omit delts because mine grow enough from pec and back training.)
About eating more:
Weigh and count every gram of your food.
Buy some
digestive enzymes and appetite increasing herbs and vitaminum b12.
Generally forget about "normal" food.
Learn how to battle with vomit reflex.
Whenever i feel like i am going to vomit i trick my brain by starting to cough... works for me (most of the time hehehe).